The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Halloween pictures...finally

We had such an amazing Halloween. It was extended over a two week period with all the "trunk or treats" and festivities going on in our neighborhood. Sadie was able to wear her costume 4 times (2 trunk or treats, Whole Foods costume party, and of course, Halloween.) I don't know if you get the same urge to squeeze her when you look at these pictures but I simply couldn't resist most of the time as she "waddled" around. She just looked so chubby and I couldn't stand it!! She had an absolute blast!! Chase zoomed her around like an airplane running from house to house as she picked her own candy (really our candy...yum) to put in her bucket.

We went out to the Todd's house where Pop's and CC were visiting for the week and all went "trick or treating" together. I had so much fun watching Chase with Sadie. You would have thought it was his first Halloween he was having so much fun. He even mentioned to me "Can you believe we are trick or treating with our little girl...this is awesome!!"

We even let her have her very first sucker. I was freaking out the whole time because I am way against that stuff but I decided to chill out this one day out of the 365 this year. She LOVED it!! I think we may have a sweet tooth on our hands. Now every time we are in a store and she sees a sucker she goes ballistic.

I just wish there was another occasion to get her into that outfit again. I guess I can dress her up for Easter as a little chick. Wow...I just thought of how much fun Easter is going to be. We get to experience everything all over again with Sadie and we're loving every minute of it.


Lindsey Jefferies said...

Love the new picture guys! Soo cute!

Ashley McNair said...

Sadie is so cute! That costume is darling. What a fun Halloween!

The Fab Fabian Life said...

That is the cutest costume- and it looks soft and snuggly! When do you guys head back to SD?