The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Saturday, October 4, 2008

First days!!

While staying with the Todds in Leesburge, Chase had to make his way into D.C. for his first day of work as a Judicial Law Clerk for Judge Swift. I thought he looked so handsome that I made him pose for me before he got on the bus for his hour commute to work. He has a busy schedule this year. Not only will he be working full time but he is also taking 6 hours each semester at Georgetown to finish up his Tax LLM. Anytime I feel overwhelmed I'll think of him and stop complaining. Hooray for Chase and his first day of work and hooray for us because it's his first "real job" in three years.
Likewise Sadie and I made the 30 minute trek into Oakton for her first day of Co-op preschool. We decided to join two groups. Our old Vienna ward out here had one organized so we joined that one not knowing where we were going to end up living. Then once we found out we'd be residing in Oakton we joined the Oakton Ward preschool as well. Sadie LOVES preschool. She always comes home knowing something new and singing new songs. It is so good for her to be away from me for a few hours twice a week being the "mama's girl" that she is. She always greets me with a big smile and runs into my arms when I come to pick her up. She isn't one bit upset when I leave her and has so much fun with all of her new friends. My little Sadie is growing up and doesn't need her "mama" as much anymore.

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