The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Chase got a job!!

My whole life I was always told that the IRS was BAD!! My parents were never very fond of them so I assumed they were people you didn't want to fraternize with. Well, who would have known that in 20 some odd years my husband would be working for them. We feel so fortunate to have a job right now during this weird economy. Chase was fortunate to continue working for the tax court and was offered a position at the IRS's chief council's office for the next three years. Hooray for job security!!! We are really excited about this job because not only will it be awesome for his resume but he will be working in the Employee Benefits sector which is the type of tax law he wishes to pursue further. We hope that by working for the "bad guys" the good guys will hire him in three years as their "inside man." I love having Chase work for the government right now. He leaves every morning at 8 and gets home every night at 6. No billable hours!! This will be very helpful during this next year while I try to tackle two kids. Congrats to Chase for landing a great job!! He takes such great care of us. Thanks buddy!!


Keeping up with the Joneses said...

Congrats Chase even if you are working for the bad guys. :) That's awesome! So nice you will have him home every night at the same time. I'm very jealous!

lbb said...

That's great news, Abby! Congrats. You're right...job security is where it's at now!
HOpe 2 kids isn't too crazy. I know it wasn't the baby that was hard, it was keeping the other one entertained!
Good luck. He's sure darling!

Lindsey Jefferies said...

Boo I find this news to be horrible! Ya ya great for you guys, but selfishly we wanted you back in Utah. Oh well, we can at least dream one day we'll be neighbors again. You've left us no choice but to come out and harass you guys. Up for some visitors after the bar? Miss you guys!!

Morgan said...

Congrats to Chase! Not only do I love the news that he has a great job...but also that you guys will be here for a while! Woot!