The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

While we slept

Froot loops are a treat in our house. Chase and I nibble on them while we watch a movie or as an after dinner bribe for Sades. When Sadie comes into our room EARLY in the morning we will do anything for an extra 20 minutes of shut eye. Today, this is what we found. Chase told her she could have Froot Loops (don't you love that they spell fruit with two OO's. That should tell you how close this cereal resembles an actual piece of natural fruit) so instead of eating from an already opened box, she took matters into her own hands with a pair of scissors. I don't even want to know how much she ate. Learning from past experience, we now keep them out of reach and away from scissors.


lbb said...

that's hilarious. ya if my kids knew where the sugar cereal was, we'd have the same incident for sure!

ya, that's blake! he and j have been dating since about sept or so, and we just love him. and them together. they are perfect together. she's so so happy. it's amazing how things work out, eh?

The Preece Family said...

I hear ya! Anything for extra sleep right? By the way, to make your blog private go into customize, then settings, then permission. In there you can choose who reads your blog (anyone, only invited, etc.). Then at the bottom you just have to put in all the email addresses of whomever you want to invite. Hope that helps!:)