The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Monday, May 10, 2010


Chase went out of town this week so I was left to tackle the kids on my own from Monday to Saturday!! Whoa, was it a long week!! Actually, it went by pretty fast. I'm getting used to him traveling with the bar exams, and Ironman races. I didn't even cry this time when I dropped him off at the airport. (I cried the night before instead:-) We filled our week with lots of play dates and activities. Chase gave me a new double jogger for my birthday and I was dying to try it out. What better place than the zoo right?

The kids had fun. Jack noticed the animals for the first time. He's always noticed them but this was the first time he actually reacted to seeing them. Normally he just stares. He was pretty excited about the fish. We saw a baby gorilla which totally reminded me of little Jack. It's amazing how human like they really are. Sadie was pretty impressed with a man holding a snake but not impressed enough to get with in three feet of him. We had great weather, an even better stroller, and besides the traffic on the way home, it was a fantastic day at the zoo.

Sadie took this one. I love Jack's lifeless form all sprawled out under the blanket.

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