The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Eno Anniversary

For our first wedding anniversary, I was 8 months pregnant with Sadie and not feeling particularly "romantic" and the least bit sexy for my husband of a mere 12 months.  We decided that because I was heavy with child, we should do something relaxing.  The San Diego symphony sounded like a good plan.  We got all dressed up (in whatever would fit!) and headed to the downtown theater.  The first movement of whoever they were playing was beautiful but it was so "relaxing" and warm in there, we both fell asleep.  Poor Chase had been studying like a mad man for his upcoming finals in law school and I was just tired from growing eyeballs, fingernails and hair follicles. We were both exhausted and woke up when the music finally stopped playing.  Upon awakening we groggily stretched in our uncomfortable folding chairs, cracked our backs while struggling to stand up and eventually stumbled out like a couple of drunk sailors. That first anniversary set the bar REAL high for future anniversary dates.  The subsequent years have involved simple dinners at restaurants or maybe a movie.  Nothing fancy and nothing ever too planned.  We learned the hard way.  

So when this anniversary came up we both had to keep reminding each other that it was fast approaching. We had just moved back into the house and were still putting away boxes.  The last thing I had time for was an anniversary!!  So the night before, I went downtown to see a friend's baby at the hospital and asked Emily (who was driving) if we could stop at REI.  I had an idea!!

I ran in, bought an Eno hammock and announced to Chase when I got home that we were going to hike to the greenbelt and snuggle in a hammock for our anniversary.  He was down, just like he always is.  It was the perfect date with my most perfectly agreeable mate!

The nice thing about Lost Creek on a cold evening in March is that there isn't another person around for miles.  We had the whole place to ourselves! 
We hiked down the steep hill and past this beautiful meadow (one of my favorite meadows in the history of meadows liked by Abby) and finally arrived at this still watered creek.

We had to document this moment with pictures because this place is usually SWARMING with people!  I don't even remember what we talked about in that hammock but it was an hour of uninterrupted Abby and Chase time with such a perfect view.  

After about an hour, we started to realize why we were the only ones around.  IT WAS FREEZING!  These Eno hammocks are pretty amazing but they aren't at all what I'd call "insulating."
Thank goodness we brought a blanket!
So I've said this before and I'll say it again.  I really do feel like in heaven there was lottery and I bought a ticket to win this guy when I came to earth.  The odds weren't in my favor because just about every other female spirit in the preexistence wanted to win him too.  And the chances of such an incredible spirit ending up with a "blah" one like me were pretty low.  But for some reason, I got him.  He's mine.  I certainly don't deserve him.  I'm reminded of this every day when I watch him with our kiddos and see their adoring faces light up when he walks through the door.  My face probably lights up the brightest, not because I can finally hand the screaming baby over, but because my very best friend is HOME!!  This year has been a tumultuous one.  And through it all, he has been my rock.  Everyone sees my happy face at church or social gatherings but this guy sees the tears, the mouth guard, the tampons, messy hair and smeared mascara.  He loves me through it all and I can't tell you how reassuring and safe that feels.  No matter how I'm feeling or what I'm thinking, he loves me for who I am.  And the best part is, I love him too. 

Happy Anniversary to my Chase and to me.  From a classical nap in a San Diego theater to watching the sun set over a chilly illustrious creek.  11 years with this guy and I'm still trying to figure out how I got that golden ticket. 

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