The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter Sunday Funday!

9:00 am church is kind of a drag for kids on Easter morning.  I'd love to say my children are so spiritually righteous that all they think about is going to church and celebrating the resurrection of Christ, but they were much more interested in peanut butter cups.  Normally we like to have the hunt on Saturday to avoid the conflict between a sacred Sabbath and a sugar filled holiday. But alas, it rained on Saturday night.  It almost rained on Sunday too, but we dodged that bullet this year.  So even though the kids woke up to bright beautiful candy filled eggs all over the house, they were forced to exercise a great amount of patience during our 3 hour block at church.  This lapse in time also required a great amount of faith.  Who knew if the eggs would still be there when they got home?! 

 Pretty sure there's nothing cuter than my Cannon boys in their skinny suits.  It's a toss up between the suits and my Cannon girls in their navy polka dots.  Love these cute little kiddos of mine.  They hate it when we take these pictures but I still love seeing the ones my parents took of us in our "Sunday Best."  It's a childhood rite of passage.  They'll get over it.  

Church was wonderfully spiritual.  I loved the hymns we sang and all the lessons we heard about Jesus Christ.  Such a wonderful time to celebrate our Savior and the life he led here on earth.   

When we got home, we were relieved to find the eggs were still hidden around the front yard. Everyone jumped back into their pajamas, put their bunny ears in place, grabbed their baskets and headed out the front door.  

Let the hunt begin!!

Liza had no idea what was inside the eggs but she sure had a lot of fun seeking them out and putting them in her basket! 

Our bunny can jump really high!

Unfortunately, we discovered that while we were at church the squirrels found and opened quite a few of our eggs.  They really like peanut butter cups but not so much the jelly beans.  I cant help but chuckle when I think about their tiny little hands opening up what seems to be the largest and most colorful "acorn" in history!!

All the eggs on the ground were for Liza and George.  Sadie and Jack's eggs were in far more challenging areas. 

Pick a winner Jack!

Good news is, there aren't any squirrels inside the house (that we know of), so all the indoor eggs were still intact. 

Cute Sadie! She still believes in a fluffy bunny hiding eggs around the house and yard.  I'm guessing this will be her last year of such imaginative folly and it kind of breaks my heart!

You have to work hard to get a Cadbury egg! 

Cliff hanger, both Jack and some John Grisham.

They love opening all their eggs and sorting the candy into different bowls.  I learned from my own childhood that it's best to put all the candy together at the end of the hunt so we aren't stealing treats from other people's baskets or claiming victoriously that one found more eggs than another sibling.  We are Switzerland and so is our chocolate!!

Liza wasn't allowed inside the sorting room because she finally figured out what was inside all the eggs.  MUCH too good for babies!! 

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