The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Gingerbread Houses

After our lease was up at our apartment we moved in with the Todd's for a week until we flew to Utah for the holidays. Staying with them was a blast and always entertaining. Sadie loved all the attention she received from her cousins and there were many new toys to share and play with.
We made gingerbread houses with them and their friends one night. Chase and I decided to have a competition to see who could make a better one. We stayed up until midnight putting on the final touches. The test was the next morning when we asked Nathan (an unbiased 7 year old) to judge. He chose mine and I did a very annoying victory dance. What do you think? Which one is better?

1 comment:

Gardner's said...

I like the bottom (Gingerbread)picture. I hope this doesn't get me into trouble with one of you, but that snow man rocks!! I laughed so hard at the santa picture because Lizzy did the same thing only I did wait in the line at the mall by myself with a screaming 4 week old and I was ticked. Hopefully next year! Jess