The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Potty Time!!!

For a couple of weeks Sadie has been a "little" interested in the potty. She saw her friend Lizzie use one and was fascinated from that moment on. Thanks Lizzie for being such a great example!! I of course jumped the gun and bought a potty, big kid pants, and books to help her along the potty training path. She LOVES sitting on the potty but has never actually "used" it until tonight. We just got back from a little get together and because of the late hour we rushed her through teeth brushing and diaper changing. She was insistent upon sitting on her potty even though we wanted to just put her to bed. But she asked us to take her diaper off and she sat on her potty. About 5 minutes later after she ran all over the house naked (on her tippy toes I might add) Chase noticed that there was a little pee in the toilet. How stupid are we to not notice her first time using the potty? We finally acknowledged her accomplishment and gave her a big "hip hip hooray" accompanied with a most coveted gummy bear. Hopefully we weren't too late to correlate the two acts (that being the potty and the gummy bear.) I'm just glad Chase noticed. I won't post pictures for this one seeing Sadie (and we) like to keep these things somewhat private. But good job Sadie Lady for using the potty for the first time!!!


Laura H. said...

Hooray for Sadie!! And bravo to you two for foregoing the potty picts. :) Oh, and I'm mad at you guys for not coming back here to SD this semester. Jessica wants a girl buddy her age!

Adam said...

Hi Abby! You mentioned that you had a blog last night, so I googled you guys and found your blog! I'm such a stalker! Haha. Thanks for coming over. It was fun to get to know you a little better!

Gardner's said...

hip hip hooray is RIGHT!!! GO SADIE!! Welcome to the new and crazy world of potty training!!Enjoy!! Where are you these days?? Haven't seen you since Thursday night?? What the heck?/Jess

Kate, Brian and Hazel said...

That's amazing, she's a natural! Hazel is showing some signs too. I should probably get with it and start the "training" but i think i'm in denial that we have reached this stage. Always an adventure!

Muranda said...

Congratulations Sadie!

I must say that reading your previous 2 posts made me wish you lived here. I am so happy to see that you are still throwing cold water on someone (not me) in the shower! I just think you guys are so cute and fun!