The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Pacific Paradise!!

We finally made it to San Diego. We've actually been here about a month but I'm "finally" writing about all we've been up to. We know we're only here for the summer so every minute is spent doing something fun...not blogging I'm afraid. I've got a lot of catching up to do. I have to say, I don't think we've wasted one second here. When I got off the plane I nearly burst I was so excited to be back to the place I've called "home" the last three years. I waited until I got into the car (so I wouldn't make a scene) before I screamed..."I LOVE IT HERE." The weather has been awesome....kind of like heaven...mid 70's. We go swimming nearly every day, walks every night to see the bunnies and lizards on the trail, and scooter rides with Sadie. It's already been such a great summer. We don't want it to end. Here's what we've been up to for the past month..


Tootsie the Scooter
Ok, so let me explain. Normally putting Sadie on a scooter would scare me to death but we tried going really slow around the side walk and she loved it!! She's asks to go on a "scoooer ride" every time she sees it. Once we get going she squeals with delight and sings her "scooter song." It's fun adjusting the mirror to her face so I can see her grinning from ear to ear.

Sadie wouldn't touch the big bronze gorilla until I sat on it first. Once she saw me do it, she sat right on top and gave him hugs and kisses. She hugs and kisses everything these days. Whenever I discipline her she says "big hugs mommy...sorry mommy." Or if she rides any ride she gets off, and gives the big piece of metal a hug and a kiss. Too bad we can't put anti-bacterial hand gel in her mouth.

This peacock nearly landed on my head before it swooped down to show off a little. Sadie couldn't believe her eyes.

Sadie's boyfriends

Sadie's little men. She missed them these last 9 months. Peterson and Tanner. Of course they're watching Nemo which explains them all sitting so still for a photo.


We bought sea world passes the week we got here because we knew we'd want to get our money's worth from a year pass that we'll only be using for three months. I hate wasting anything so we've gone like two or three times a week and have the place pretty much memorized by now.
Touching "Mr. Ray"
We found Nemo at Sea World!!
Elmo airplanes. Who needs Disneyland. They even have a "tea cup ride" replica that made me want to puke. not go on that ride if you have the choice.

Hanging out with the Dargers....Sniff Sniff..they've already left for New York. We are going to miss them.
Waiting for a dolphin to come say hello. expression. Do you think she's having fun?

Sadie is OBSESSED with Shamu these days. She calls him "Shampoo." It really is pretty incredible. I get all misty when they play the cheesy music and Shamu jumps in the air. Sadie of course has no expression. Chase pointed out that I'm like that when I watch movies. I don't normally laugh out loud if something is funny so maybe Sadie is just happy and laughing inside when she looks like this.

La Jolla Shores
There are actual seals sun bathing and swimming in this bay. SO COOL!! Of course you can get much closer to them at Sea World but it's great seeing them in their natural habitat.

$3.00 cookie. We pretty much paid for the frosting. Sadie saw it in the window and had to have it. Probably the nastiest cookie I've ever had. Where's a Backer's Bakery when you need one. Oh well. At least it looked like Nemo. All in all, a great day seeing puppies, seals, laying in the sun and perusing shops. I LOVE SAN DIEGO!!!!


Gardner's said...

I am sold...we need a san diago trip!! Looks like fun...but we still miss you guys and are sorry that you have to leave such a beautiful place to be with cool people like "THE GARDNER'S". Loved the pics and can't wait for you to bring that scooter here, looks fun! Jess

Erin said...

Amen... after reading your entry I wanted to hop a plane and come visit you! How fun! I used to love Sea World as a kid. And what perfect timing for Sadie, who is so into fish! Sounds like there are a billion fun things to do there. Glad you are taking advantage of it all.

I got the stuff for the smoothie and can't wait to try it! Thanks!

Lilly said...

You make me sick!