The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Hunt!!

Sadie was fortunate enough to have many hunts this year. She had one in preschool, one with the kids in the ward, and another with just Dad and Mom. There were so many eggs that the "Easter Bunny" hardly had to buy any candy this year. A lot of recycling going on in the Cannon household.

Once they had all been found, Sadie "organized " her candy. She only wanted the jelly beans and dropped them all into a bowl. If she found anything other than a jelly bean, it went into the "discard" pile.

Chase and I played a piano/cello duet in sacrament meeting. The task of practicing our piece was a little difficult seeing we didn't have either a piano or a cello. We borrowed a cello and I used the ward to practice. It went well enough. I just wish we could have really performed the way we used to. Sadie wore a dress that used to be cousin Grace's. This dress is very special because it's actually the dress Grace wore as a flower girl at our wedding. I loved the dress so much, I pretty much planned all my wedding colors around it. It was a chilly day so a sweater is covering it up, but it is such a sweet little dress. How fun for Sadie to be able to wear it. Thanks Grace and Cate!!

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