The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Today is the birthday of Abigail Jane Etherington Cannon (Toots)! As the title implies, she is 29. I hear you can talk about your age until you are 30, at which point you just shut up and pretend it's not your birthday anymore. There are about a million and one reasons why we (Sadie and I) love Toots, and I'm quite sure that all readers of our blog would not be bored if I listed all of them. However, in the interest of saving gigabytes (and my wrist), I've only included 29. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOOTS!!!

29) While 8 months pregnant, she can still easily walk over 7 miles to give her sister a DC tour.

28) She completed a triathlon even though she's not interested in triathlons.

27) She is a wizard on the piano.

26) Loves the Red Sox now.

25) She makes me shepards pie (my favorite dinner) even though she can't stand to eat it.

24) She looks hot on a scooter (and anywhere else).

23) She wakes up at unreasonably early morning hours because Sadie is up and she wants to read her books.

22) She dresses Sadie to the NINES (and dresses herself pretty darn close!).

21, 20, 19, 18) She loves Jack Johnson, Whitney Houston, Chopin, and Cake all at the same time.

17) She can play Spoons (or any other card games) with her toes.

16) She is an amazing cook (stuffed tomatoes and fresh pumpkin soup), and an even better baker (strawberry pies).

15) She looks good even when she's trying to look bad.

14, 13, 12) She served a mission, reads her scriptures and goes to church.

11, 10) She hikes and camps.

9) She jumps off cliffs at Lake Powell. (wish I had the picture)

8) She is a ridiculously good mom to Sadie, and it's only her first time doing it.

7) She is ubercreative, and can take a plain piece of paper and turn it into a carnival.

6) Although she claims she has "placenta brain", she is as sharp as a tack and the funnest person you will ever have a conversation with.

5) She has learned to tickle my neck.

4, 3) She will sit down and watch the Utes football games and the Utes basketball games with me.

2) She is AMAZINGLY loyal to those she loves, including her friends and family, and loves to hang with both.

1) She lets me call her TOOTS!



Ie Li said...

Happy Birthday, Abby! What a sweet tribute, Chase.

Keeping up with the Joneses said...

Oh what a sweet hubby you have!! Welcome to the 29 club Abby. Hope you have a very happy birthday!

PS your baby belly is super cute! Can't wait to see pictures of the lil guy when he gets here.

j and k said...

I second all those things! She can even stare at walls and make that fun too ;-) She is wonderful in every way and I love you to death Trash fink. XOXOXOXOXOXOXO

lbb said...

Happy Birthday, Abby!
What a darling tribute!

Jill T said...

cute Chase--will you tell him to talk Behrad about doing a post for me on my birthday? ha ha. That was very well said and I agree with all of it. love ya.

Scott McMillan said...

Happy birthday Abby. What a sweet hubby you have. You are quite an incredible woman with so many talents. I am especially grateful you served a mission too! Also, I just love your cute little pregnant body...almost inspires me to have another.

Darger Party of 3 said...

Happy B-day....belated! Love ya chickie sorry I spaced it!!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday... late. One year from joing your hubby in the dirty thirty club. We will welcome you in a year with open arms. You will enjoy comments like "you don't look like you could be that old". Happy b day thanks for the great stories on your blog.