The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Monday, April 27, 2009

She's one to miss!!

This past week I received the news that my beloved friend Jess is moving back to Utah to be closer to her Dad as he is struggling with brain cancer. I completely understand why she and John have decided to go but that doesn't change the fact that I am going to have serious withdrawals with out her. She's the type of girl who finds something funny about almost every situation. I always laugh my head off whenever we are together whether it be over how nasty our kids look that day with snot running down their faces, or reminiscing over the old days when we acted like lunatics. Our girls are such great little buddies and I know Sadie is going to ask me where Lizzie is everyday after they leave. Chase will probably cry on his pillow every night because his sports fanatic buddy is leaving him high and dry. Gardner's, we are going to miss you sooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!! Even though they aren't leaving for another three weeks, I thought I would post some hilarious pictures that I came across about a year ago. I have been waiting for this special day (Jessica's birthday) to embarrass her and show everyone how much fun she is. Hopefully after viewing the following, you'll see why I'll probably be crying on my pillow every night as well. She's one girl to miss!!!

This is probably a moment when you "had to be there" but as we three girls (Andrea, Jess, and I) were flying to D.C. together, we wore our billy bob teeth the entire flight. The flight attendant must have thought we were a little "slow" because she awarded us with the children's packet including American Airline pins....yippee!! Andrea was actually asleep in this picture, wearing the pin and all.

We went as 80's sorority sisters and Jess was our frat boy. The sad thing is we dressed up like this even when it wasn't Halloween.
Floating down the Potomac River. Jess of course had her harmonica and serenaded us with "I feel at home with you" jazz style. Who paddle boats with billy bob teeth and a harmonica? I'm laughing at my computer all by myself right now. As you can see from the picture...I was laughing then too.
We were rarely seen with out our Billy Bob Teeth, especially when traveling. Wigs were usually an extra accessory as well.

On the way home from a San Diego trip (where the teeth were first purchased...we were doomed from that point on) we decided to not shower for seven days and put dreads in our hair. We looked pretty terrible and Chase could barely look at me when I got home. Car trips can be very fun but long, so a little stop in Scipio lifted our spirits that day. How can you not laugh hysterically when you look at her face in this picture. We all look dreadful!!

Yes, we are in college and acting like incognito detectives while riding home on the metro. I don't think we'll ever entirely grow up.

I had to post this picture because I want all the viewers to see how beautiful she is with out the wigs, deadlocks, and fake teeth. No wonder my highchool buddy decided to marry her. I'm sure it was just for her looks. As you can see, she really lacks in personality:-) Happy Birthday Jess. Know that you are loved and will be sorely missed!!!

Don't worry John, I'll miss you too...just not as much:-)


Gardner's said...

AHHH!! All I can say is PAYBACK is coming and it is going to sting!! I just laughed my head off!! you are so funny and I am going to miss you more than you will miss me, we have 3 weeks to play HARD and then part our ways for a short time because 2 girls like us are destined to live near eachother because I don't think many other people can stand us for a long period of time!! I am still shaking my head that you did this!!loved it!

Andrea J. Bacigalupo said...

Those pictures are hilarious! You guys know how to have fun. If only you had pictures of people's reactions - gold I tell you!!!

Alli said...

Abby...this is alli stewart. I found your blog through Jess and I had to leave a comment because I seriously peed a little while looking at these pics! In fact I might have to link your blog on mine so everyone that knows Jess can see her in her glory days....Thanks for the laugh!

j and k said...

I laughed my head off at these pics! Though, it is really good you posted a few "regs" because otherwise I would have thought your beautiful friend Jess had some gnarly teeth! :-) She's darling! I'm sure it will be hard to have her go, and my heart goes out to her in her hard time!

Morgan said...

Love this post...and all I can say is ditto on all of it...even on missing John less than Jess. Actually...Jess is always the one winning all the Settlers games, so maybe I will miss her less.

P.S. You guys seriously take those teeth EVERYWHERE.

alexandra said...

These photos are so funny. I love the top one. It looks so artistic and then you focus in on the face. Her expression is so perfect.

The Beckstroms said...

Hideous...but so so hilarious! I love the pics, they made me have such a good laugh, and it was good for my hubby to see his 'beautiful' wife in action! ha ha. I LOVE the memories, and I am just glad you didn't post the pic from the night we got dressed up with Becca...truly awful.

The Preece Family said...

OK - that is seriously one of the best blog posts I've ever seen. Steve is going to die when he sees these pictures --- they are CLASSIC! Thanks for the great laugh! :)

PS - Good luck with Baby #2! I'll be thinking about you in the coming weeks!