The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I Love this little guy!!

Frying Pan Park

They weren't kidding!! It was hot today at Frying Pan Park. Those poor animals with no air conditioning!! We met up with Ieli, Meli, and "baby guy" for a little peek into the life of a real farm. Even though we watched "Babe" for FHE, Sadie was still too timid to get close to the pigs. Ieli couldn't keep her kids off the animals. They wanted to touch all of them. I admire their courage. Thank goodness for hand sanitizer.

Sadie wanted to take some pictures too. Her first attempt was a little "sudden." There is no warning with her. Her second attempt turned out pretty good. I'm surprised she can get everyone in the picture. Good work Sades. Thanks for the invite Ieli. We had a lot of fun.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Sadie and Jack

I don't know how many pictures I've seen of my siblings and me in the bath together. It's definitely a rite of passage into a family of four. Sadie loves taking baths with Jack. Jack would probably like them more if she didn't splash water on his face and steal his wash cloth off his cold body. We like to think she's toughening him up.

Little noise makers

Sadie and Moriah have finally been reunited after a long three weeks of traveling, preschool, and Erin having a baby. We met up with the Linton's, Skanchey's and Mecham's (some of them:-) at Artie's for some fine cuisine and dirty looks from neighboring tables. I tried to settle the girls down the best I could but they were having WAY too much fun.

Make a silly face

It's been determined that Sadie will be receiving her own camera for Christmas (or sooner if we get desperate). She won't leave my camera alone. She loves taking pictures of "silly faces." I'm glad we have yet another photographer in the family who will add another 100 pictures a month to our already crowded computer. Thank goodness for digital cameras.

Got an itch?

Sadie's new obsession was Clifford the Big Red Dog (Dora has pushed him off his pedestal). She has a stuffed dog she calls Clifford who likes to lick everyone. I even catch her scratching her head "like Clifford" with her toes. She's very imaginative and flexible too!!

Little Tumblers

Sadie is taking a gymnastics class with her little friend Zoe. They get along very well and as you can see have a lot of fun together. Sadie was very brave today when I dropped her off. She remembered this time to give me a hug and a kiss (one for Jack too) and then ran in for some fun. What a great kid.

Sibling Rivalry?

I wonder what Sadie is thinking? My guess is......"Jack is asleep. I love waking him up. I bet Mom and Dad will get really grouchy if I poke him. Maybe I can get even more attention if I pour a couple of cheerios onto his face or take his binky out of his mouth. Gee...this is going to be fun."

First Days

Sadie did joy school last year and she loved it!! In fact I was seriously debating a co-op school again this year but I know I would be completely worn out with a new born. We decided to put her in the same preschool that Aunt Cate sent Nathan to when they lived in Penderbrooke. I was glad to have her recommendation and also because the director loves Cate so much, I was immediately "grandfathered" in. This was a relief because I was worried about finding a spot for Sadie when oftentimes the spaces go so quickly you end up somewhere not as fun.
I am very excited because not only are her teachers AMAZING but there are only four kids per teacher. I know Sadie will be getting one on one time with them which reassures me quite a bit. We went to orientation on Wednesday and Sadie was a little reluctant to talk to anyone (probably because I was there....why are Mom's such spoilers? Sadie always has so much fun until I show up:-). We met her teachers and the other 7 kids who seem to be great little friends.
The next day we dropped her off for her first day. I was worried that after a whole summer of being with just me she would have a hard time once we said goodbye. Her teacher told us to leave as quickly as possible (something I totally agree with) so things don't get too dramatic. Sadie was a little scared so I took her into her room, sat her down and said goodbye. I was told that after I left she was great!! I even showed up a little early and watched her play on the play ground from the window. She looked very happy and self assured.
When she saw me she ran up and gave me the biggest hug and said..."mommy...mommy...I was SO brave. I was a little bit sad but I was so so brave." I am so proud of her for being so courageous. The next week when I dropped her off she didn't even say goodbye to me. All I saw was the back of her head as she ran into Miss Jane's arms. I felt a little sting in my heart because although I want her to be's nice to be needed too. I reminded her that I hadn't had my hug yet and of course she turned around and squeezed Jack first and then gave me a little kiss. Her teachers are so fun I was a little jealous that she got to stay and I had to leave. A part of me just wanted to stay and hang out with all these fun women. Sadie loves her new little buddies. She even said as we were walking out to the car "Mom, I love my new preschool friends." It's going to be a great year. Thanks again for the recommendation Cate.

William and Mary

For labor day we headed down to Williamsburg to see Nick, Brooke, and baby Eloise. We were lucky to totally avoid traffic and actually had a very pleasant drive both ways (a miracle with two kids I'd say). Williamsburg is beautiful!! Nick showed us his brand spanking new business building and it's probably one of the nicest facilities I've ever seen. Nick is getting the royal treatment with all the flat screens, lounge chairs, courtyards, and study rooms. Lucky boy!! It was fun just hanging out with them for a couple of days. Brooke made a delicious Sunday dinner (I still need to get that recipe) which I have learned to expect from the Etherington clan. They make the best food!! Thanks for letting us stay with you guys. It was so fun to see what you're up to on the South side of Virginia.

My nerdy brother looking very distinguished in front of someone very important....

Eloise and Jack. I love her thighs. Every baby should have thighs like that. Don't you just want to squeeze them?

Sadie got a hold of the camera and went crazy. She asked everyone to make a silly face and this is what she got.

Uncle Nick
Aunt Brooke
I don't know who's kid this is. She hasn't been claimed.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Jack is three months old!!

He's literally the happiest baby on the block. I love this kid. Although a rough start with the Bar exam and lack of sleep, these last three months have breezed by. Some of Jack's accomplishments are:
1: Being so big he's wearing 6 month clothing.

2: Rolls from his front to back (did that at 6 weeks but forgot to mention) and is not very far from rolling from back to front.

3: Sleeps almost every night through the night from 10-6 or 7. Must be swaddled for a good solid nap. It's amazing how once he's swaddled his eyes immediately start to get sticky.

4: Coos and laughs at any given moment.

5: If he's distressed all I have to do is look at him and smile and he's smiling right back at me. Happiest baby ever!!

6: On his way to sitting up. He can hold his head up very well. I love grabbing his hands and helping him balance his way to standing up. He gets the biggest smile on his face almost to say he's proud of himself too.

7: Loves just hanging out on the floor. If I put him on a bed he is a little fussy but if I lay a blanket on the floor he sticks his fists in his mouth and rolls all over the place. (He's rolling at my feet right now:-)

8: Blows amazing bubbles:-)

9: Loves looking at TIME magazine because of the red border and black letters.
10: Falls asleep in his swing listening to Mozart or Dad's cello music.

Like Uncle like Nephew?

My mom was holding Jack one night and I couldn't help but remember a photo I saw in Nick's baby book. I hurried and took a picture with her phone so I could capture the moment. Then I ran downstairs to search Nick's baby photographs. Sure enough the picture I took was almost identical. When I was a kid I was obsessed with pictures (still am) and loved looking through everyone's baby books. I must have looked at them quite a bit because I specifically remembered this picture once I saw Mimi holding Jack. Other than the lack of hair, these two little guys are pretty similar. Mom, you haven't changed a bit!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Weber

We seem to always be in town for the summer and thus always end up at the family cabin up Weber Canyon. It's starting to become a tradition. I surely hope it continues because it's probably my favorite things to do when we're in Utah. We had a pretty rough night last year so we decided to just drive home once every one else retired for the evening. Cannons stay up late!! It's just too much fun talking to everyone and watching the kids play together. After a fun filled day of hiking, throwing rocks in the water, making smores, and playing with cousins, Sadie and Jack were pooped. We ended up leaving around 10:30 and didn't get into our beds until 1 a.m. Maybe we should have just stayed over night. We'll try it next year once Jack is for sure sleeping through the night. Thanks again Jim and Connie for a wonderful day at the Weber. It's almost worth flying into Utah just for a couple of hours up that beautiful canyon.I wonder if Sadie will ever grow tired of throwing rocks in the water. We went on a long hike with Jack strapped in the front pack and Sadie on Chase's shoulders. The main attraction for Sadie was the waterfall and the rocks...of course. My kids are troopers. We made it about 2 miles before we had to turn around to feed Jack.
I swear I get the same picture every year of Sadie feeding this same horse. She's getting more and more timid around them. Last year she wanted to pet them and give them grass, this year she wanted to hold me and throw the grass in their general direction.

Sadie and her favorite Uncle Curtis. I hate to put all the other men in the family to shame but Sadie has her favorite and it's Uncle Curtis. He is the most playful guy and I'm sure he wishes he could have a break from all the grand kids for a while, but he continues to play with them although we know how demanding they can be. He is one dedicated Uncle and has won his title amongst all the kids. It's rare to see him with out at least one kid hanging on his shoulders or dragging on his leg. One day as we were leaving Curtis for a short time Sadie turned to me and said "I miss Uncle Curtis...." I replied that we would see him soon and she said "but I love him...I will miss him." He's definitely won her heart.

Whenever Sadie and Jack are together I can't get over how big she looks!! Sadie will often say to me as she is grabbing Jack's head (loving aggression:-) "look at us cute little sisters." I think she wants to say "look at us cute little kids" but it always comes out as "sisters." Hopefully one day we can provide her with a sister, but as for me...I am loving my little, easy going, baby boy.

Until next year!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Heber and Jenna

Heber and Jenna were sealed in the Salt Lake City Temple about a week after we arrived in Utah. It was a wonderful ceremony performed by Richard Hinckley (he married us as well:-) It was so great to see both Heber and Jenna looking so twitterpated. Jenna couldn't stop smiling. I don't think I saw anything but a smile on her face the entire day. Good thing because she is so stinking beautiful it would be a shame to waste those pearly whites. What a handsome couple!!
The Ladies
The Gents
I love this picture of Jack. He looks so serious and handsome at the same time.
Sadie is obsessed with twirling these days. In fact, dresses are about all she'll wear and they have to twirl. She often times tries on five or six dresses through out the day as she twirls to Jack's music on his swing.
She has been so excited to wear this particular flower girl dress. We got it in the mail about a month ago and in order to preserve it for the wedding I had to put it in my closet so she couldn't sneak it on in the middle of the night. She couldn't stop twirling!!

They had a candy bar at the wedding and if you can't tell by her face and stuffed cheeks...she was pretty thrilled.

The reception was so much fun. Jenna's family did such a great job decorating the site and as you can tell it was very colorful. Jenna loves yellow, orange and pink so those were her colors. Everything was very bright and cheery. The Groomsmen pulled a "Heber" and wore bright yellow shirts and orange ties. No one can pull colors off like that unless their name is Heber Collins Duncan Cannon. And make no mistake, there was dancing, "Heber and Jenna" style. A total dance off with all of their friends and family. The highlight of the night was when 8 year old Nathan jumped on the floor and started break dancing. It was classic!! Such a fun wedding!!