The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Friday, September 11, 2009

Like Uncle like Nephew?

My mom was holding Jack one night and I couldn't help but remember a photo I saw in Nick's baby book. I hurried and took a picture with her phone so I could capture the moment. Then I ran downstairs to search Nick's baby photographs. Sure enough the picture I took was almost identical. When I was a kid I was obsessed with pictures (still am) and loved looking through everyone's baby books. I must have looked at them quite a bit because I specifically remembered this picture once I saw Mimi holding Jack. Other than the lack of hair, these two little guys are pretty similar. Mom, you haven't changed a bit!!

1 comment:

j and k said...

He really is such an Etherington, it's amazing! You look so fabulous, mother of two! ANd, only three months after-I'm impressed! What a darling little family.