The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Friday, September 11, 2009

Jack is three months old!!

He's literally the happiest baby on the block. I love this kid. Although a rough start with the Bar exam and lack of sleep, these last three months have breezed by. Some of Jack's accomplishments are:
1: Being so big he's wearing 6 month clothing.

2: Rolls from his front to back (did that at 6 weeks but forgot to mention) and is not very far from rolling from back to front.

3: Sleeps almost every night through the night from 10-6 or 7. Must be swaddled for a good solid nap. It's amazing how once he's swaddled his eyes immediately start to get sticky.

4: Coos and laughs at any given moment.

5: If he's distressed all I have to do is look at him and smile and he's smiling right back at me. Happiest baby ever!!

6: On his way to sitting up. He can hold his head up very well. I love grabbing his hands and helping him balance his way to standing up. He gets the biggest smile on his face almost to say he's proud of himself too.

7: Loves just hanging out on the floor. If I put him on a bed he is a little fussy but if I lay a blanket on the floor he sticks his fists in his mouth and rolls all over the place. (He's rolling at my feet right now:-)

8: Blows amazing bubbles:-)

9: Loves looking at TIME magazine because of the red border and black letters.
10: Falls asleep in his swing listening to Mozart or Dad's cello music.

1 comment:

*Leslie* said...

He is so cute. I'm glad you lucked out with such a happy little guy!