The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Binky Fairy

I don't know why we didn't do this months ago. I always said Sadie would be done with the binky by age 2. Well I think Chase and I were more attached to it than Sadie because we just kept giving it to her in the car, on planes, and for naps (when she took one). So when Sadie wouldn't take a nap one day I told her if she wasn't going to sleep, she couldn't have her "bibi" anymore. I told her I was going to cut it (because I've heard that once it's cut, they don't want it anymore). She shocked me when she said "OK Mommy, I don't need it anymore" and while jumping up and down she said "I'm a big girl...I don't need it anymore." So I cut it in front of her and she almost seemed excited about it. I gave it back to her to try and of course she didn't like it anymore.

The next day we put the binky under the pillow and she woke us up EARLY the next morning to tell us that the binky fairy had come and left her something but she didn't know what it was because it was still dark in her room. We turned on the lights and found a Snow White dress. Hooray for Sadie!! She hasn't had any issues since. I can't believe how easy that was. I guess I just had to wait until Sadie was ready because no one tells Sadie what to do without putting up a fight. She's had a big month. She no longer uses Pull Ups at night anymore. We were down to the last one and I told her that her pull ups were all gone. She had a few accidents and was so uncomfortable that they never happened again. I can't believe my kid is potty trained, sleeps in a big girl bed, can read and spell, and finally got over her binky. I also can't believe I have to do it all over again with Jack.


Morgan said...

The binky fairy...genius.

Lilly said...

Why can your child read and spell? I just threw up in my mouth.

Congrats on all the milestones. The second child (for us) wasn't as difficult as the first because they have a little idol ahead of them to make it all look wonderful. Cute pics. Miss you guys!