The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Goodbye Foul Creature

When I married Chase somehow we inherited a ton of furniture from random sources. My parents gave us a table and a green couch. Chase's parents gave us their dining table and chairs. This couch was inherited from Huntington Beach. We have no idea who it comes from. It was in his apartment when he got there!! NASTY!!! What's worse is that it's upholstered. So the first thing I did was take off all the covers and throw them in a washing machine. This improved the appearance a little but the faded stripes couldn't be helped.
I have loathed this couch ever since it entered my world. We agreed that once Chase got a "real job" it would be replaced. So after four moves, rips, tears, stains, and two kids later, we are finally saying goodbye to old stripey. I posted it on Craig's list thinking I would have to pay someone to move it for me and actually sold it for $250. Shocking I know. We built one last fort before it was taken away.
The funny thing is that because I'm such a sentimental person, I was actually sad to see it go. Anyone who has ever sat (slept) on this couch knows how comfortable it is. It has endured many sleepovers, late night movie watching, and baby spit ups. It has been a haven for hair elastics, cheerios, raisins, hair, and all sorts of objects that I thought were missing years ago.

I fed Sadie on this couch for 15 months of her life. Its been so good to us. And like the Giving Tree it gave us everything it had, and even sold itself for $250 to pay for it's replacement. What a couch!! I'm sad to see it go but SO glad it's gone!!!

1 comment:

Brandi said...

A Sofa Eulogy

To Stripey (the couch),

I'm sad to hear that you have moved on. I never got a chance to know you in DC, but the times we spent in SD together were wonderful. Thanks for your warmth--for welcoming us into your world until we could afford a comfy couch of our own. Thanks for the ease with which you helped me digest a delicious thanksgiving dinner. Thanks for the emotional support during a great Jane Austen movie or a good chat. Thanks for the discussions that strengthened my testimony (yes, I'm serious). Thanks for the comfort of a few good nights sleep. Thanks for not judging my bad posture but encouraging it.

You have weathered some storms and taken many beatings. The sight of you gave me peace and happiness. Despite all the imperfections, you are a beautiful piece of furniture (inside and out).

R.I.P. Stripey. You will be missed. (sniff, sniff)