The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Still alive after four months!

I am always amazed at how fast babies grow. Oftentimes the overwhelming thought enters my mind of a babies complete dependency on his mother to help him grow and keep him alive. With out us...they would die. How can the human race be so dominate and yet so fragile at the same time? Jack has reached four months and I'd like to think I'm doing a pretty good job "keeping him alive." Here are his accomplishments for this month:

1: Weighs 15 pounds (45%ile) He used to be pretty chubby for his age and now he's about average. We can't expect anything more with such a thin dad and a tall mom. I'm just glad he's gaining weight and smiling.

2: Rolling over both front and back. His favorite thing is to sit on the floor and roll all over the place. I don't dare leave him on a bed anymore.

3: In the car the other day I was sitting in the back with Sadie and Jack and we noticed that he had picked up his binky by himself and put it in his mouth. A total fluke but we're proud of him anyway. I just can't believe he got it in right side up!!

4: Grabs everything and puts it in his mouth.

5: Very much aware of his surrounding world. I'm having a more difficult time feeding him in over stimulating places. He wants to see and observe everything. I can't put a blanket over him to nurse anymore. He kicks and pulls it off the second he's covered.

We love you Jack. Keep up the good work!!

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