The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Jack's Eleventh

These monthly updates keep coming WAY too fast. Just when I finish the previous month, he's a month older again. Our little Jack isn't so little anymore. He is probably still small for his age, but he seems like he's getting so big to me. He's changing right before our eyes.
All these months of abuse from big sis Sadie are finally starting to pay off. He's beginning to stand up for himself lately. He'll scream when she takes a toy away when before he never seemed to mind. Sadie bit his finger the other day and I warned her that everything she does to Jack, he'll learn to do to her. She had now taught him to bite and she better watch her back:-) He LOVES Sadie and she can make him laugh better than any of us but he still gets a little scared when I leave him alone with her.

He has begun to stand on his own but is usually leaning against a wall in order to hold something with two hands. He's on his way to walking but still prefers his speed crawl as he pounds his poor little knee caps onto the hard wooden floor. He doesn't seem to mind. I've caught him crawling with his feet on the ground while he puts his head down to peek between his legs. It's pretty cute. Speaking of cute. His fangs have really come in this month. I remember making fun of Zach Poelman when his fangs came in first and now both of my babies have done the same. It's an endearing characteristic don't you think Heidi and Scott?

Lately Jack has loved to take anything out of a container and put it back in. He empties Sadie's folded clothing from her dresser and then stuffs it back in with whatever else is hanging out in her room. We have found stuffed animals, water bottles and jewelry all stuffed in her dresser. He loves to open and close the dresser drawer but usually gets his fingers caught after a few minutes.

His interest in food has changed as well. He LOVES to eat but doesn't like to be spoon fed. If you open a package of anything, he'll crawl over to you and beg like a dog for a nibble. He could eat an entire pack of Ritz crackers but won't want a jar of baby food unless we get him a box of band aids to take out of the box and stuff back in. Just like Sadie, he needs to be entertained while he eats. Not a great habit, but at least he's eating the healthy stuff.

The greatest tool I've learned to use in the car is Sadie. When Jack cries, I hand a bag of snacks to Sades and she hands one to Jack one by one while we drive around to do errands. It entertains them both and keeps me sane. It's a WAY better alternative to two screaming kids in the back seat. It's cute watching her hold out a cracker and see his little hand reach out to grab it. Good times:-)

Jack still loves to be swaddled. We stopped swaddling him a while ago because he loved to sleep on his tummy but it's been harder to get him down lately especially in the afternoon. Usually a good swaddle and sway get his eyes sticky enough to fall asleep on his own. He still takes two naps. One at 9 and another at 2 or 3. He still sleeps more than he's awake and I'm not complaining. He's into everything and needs constant supervision (mainly to keep him safe from Sadie), so his naps are a welcome interruption during the day.

A funny thing he does while in his crib is take off his left slipper. During the cold rainy days we'll have him sleep with his Robeez slippers and with out fail, the left one is always missing when we return to pick him up a couple of hours later. He always throws his binkies and monkey blanket on the same side of the crib as well. Always the left side behind the rail. Kind of weird. Although sometimes when we check on him at night we find all his blankets on the floor and him sleeping with his bum in the air clutching his monkey blanket. I love it when he sleeps in the fetal position. It reminds me that he's still little and still my baby Jack. I love him to pieces.

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