The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pollen forecast...HIGH!!

Poor Sadie!! Virginia has one of the highest pollen counts in the nation. There is green dust lining all the cars in the morning and the wind isn't helping. Sadie has woken up numerous times with her eyes glued shut. I've taken her to countless doctors and nothing seems to help. While everyone else shouts for spring, I can't wait for it to go away. They see blossoms and fresh green leaves. All I see is pollen, itchy eyes, and a miserable child. I hate to say the glass is half empty, but in Sadie's case (and mine, being her mother), it is.


Gardner's said...

Oh!! That picture makes me feel so bad for Sades! I love the pictures of Chase however...I was rolling at that post!

j and k said...

Ok, I first must say...Chase's pictures are so beautiful I could fact I am...especially the one with the perm! Or, is that naturally beautiful wave? Either's bound to win some hair awards! I LOVEd your post in ode to your love. He's a great guy, so together you're a dynamic duo. And, tell him minivans aren't that gay...I actually FINALLY convinced JR to get one, after our family grew in GREAT abundance. Scary. the important stuff, poor Sadie! That is heartbreaking! Suggestion: Butterbur extract with standardized Rosmarinic Acid. Basically it's an herbal med that protects against environmental irritants i.e. Allergies. A friend gave me some when I was dying of allergies in Portland, and it actually seemed to work. Just ask your doctor if it's ok for a child. Hope something helps! Poor girl!

Jill T said...

poor poor sades. I hope she gets better soon!

Erin said...

:( That stinks. I am so sorry. My dad gets allergies and will often put a wet rag on his face...he says this really helps.

Loved the anniversary and birthday posts! You are so creative with your posts! Love the perm pic too!!

L.J. said...

she looks just like you!