The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Saturday, April 16, 2011

"You live in a Zoo"

Every time I find something like this crawling near my garage door, I text it to my family. With in a week I had texted them a lizard on Saturday, a frog on Sunday and on Thursday we saw a really beautiful turtle moving surprisingly fast down the street. Emilee was dropping her kids off to play and discovered the turtle on the way to the door. It was the entertainment for the afternoon.
After this third and final text my mom wrote back "you live in a zoo!" I also got jealous emails from Aunt Jane who owned (killed) a few turtles of her own back when she was a kid. Hopefully these pics will entice them all to come visit more often:-)
I was convinced that this turtle was too cool to just be walking around in "the wild." While taking some pics of our new pet we had in a cardboard box all afternoon, I started an investigation. This turtle had to belong to someone. After talking to a few neighbors we found his home. I guess he lives in the backyard of a guy three doors down the street. When I knocked on his door he was thrilled to find we had found his "African Leopard Tortoise" that had been missing for three days. They thought the backyard was tortoise proofed but he got out anyway. Herbert (that's what we named him) will one day be as big as a hubcap. After seeing him poop three times in our cardboard box, I was more than happy to give him back to his rightful owner. It was fun having a pet for the day.

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