She's reading amazingly well and we're ready to move onto level three in her Bob books. She still has an adorable little lisp that seems to be slowly going away with age. Her S's sound like "echh" and we try really hard not to laugh when she says words like "schee horsches" and "poneesch." She had her five year check up with the doctor and was so engaging with him. She told him all about her birthday party, how she was five, how she was getting bigger, and all the cool stuff she can do. She passed her eye and ear tests with flying colors. I'm hoping she inherited my eyes because poor Chase is as blind as a bat.
Sadie is the first to rise and would love to be the last to go to sleep. She's a party girl and always wants to stay up late with Chase and me. She's become quite social with her little friends but I've noticed at play groups she still wanders off on her own from time to time as she seems to be overwhelmed with larger groups. She's much more of a one on one kind of playmate. Playdates are a must at our house. I often feel like a personal assistant making sure her week is all scheduled with friends. You don't want to get Sadie bored. After ballet one morning, Chick Fil A with the ballerinas, and a playdate with Linley, kylee and Renn in the afternoon; Sadie begrudgingly asked me if we could do anything "fun today". I can't work under these conditions!!
She loves to snuggle up and be read to. I love to do this but my only issue with snuggling up to read is I ALWAYS fall asleep. The same thing happens when we play Polly Pockets together. Having to use my imagination and high pitched voice for over an hour is so exhausting I need a power nap afterwards. We're usually always doing these things right around 4 when I am my most tired in the day. I don't know how I could ever go back to school. I would fall asleep three pages into a text book.
Sadie is great at reminding us to read scriptures every night. She has her little comic strip ones and LOVES to be read to. She is always asking for one more chapter and I know it isn't just because she wants to stay up later. She seems to really enjoy the stories.
Sadie's a little dare devil and I always cringe when I see her race her bike, training wheels rattling against the pavement, down the street. She's also found it amusing to get her old leap frog baby bike and ride it down the side walk at lightning speed as well.
She can be heard throughout the day singing to herself. She's made up a song about lightning and thunder that's especially entertaining. We get a lot of storms out here and lately she's been setting them up to music: Lighting coming in, lighting coming in really really fast. You better better watch out, and go inside. Go inside now. Then the lightning won't see you, so go inside and see what happens, see what happens, see what happens. (Imagine the sweet sultry voice of a tone deaf five year old and it should sound about right.)
She continues to terrorize Jack whenever we aren't looking but loves it when he "trusts her" and will go into the play room to "play choo choos" for a minute. She's also developed a little potty language and thinks talking about private parts and bowel movements is about the funniest thing ever. It has started to get a little out of hand so we've come up with a new method that whenever I hear a potty word she gets to chew on a hand full of spinach. She hates spinach so it's been working pretty well until I found a pile of chewed up spinach in her sink the other day. Now she is monitored while chewing to make sure it's swallowed.
She's a sassy little thing and I can't get too upset over her feisty behavior because she's a miniature version of me at her age. I seriously see so much of me in her it's ridiculous. The other day she didn't want to share something with a younger child at play group so I told her it either had to be shared (it wasn't hers to begin with) or I would throw the frisbee she found in a field away. She handed it to me and said, "fine...throw it away." I guess she'd rather have it in the garbage than let the screaming little girl have a chance to play with it. (I would have done the same thing if it meant Nick not getting his way). I know she's working out all these childish notions and it's really hard to watch as a mom knowing it will affect friendships in the future. I just hope she will be a nice girl and be happy. Ultimately that is my greatest goal for her is to be a happy, vivacious, and sprightly little girl. As of yet, she seems to be this way 80% of the time so we're on a good path (I hope).
Despite our little qualms and frustrations with one another (we're a lot alike) I love the little peanut to pieces. I see such a strong desire from her to feel loved. Maybe it comes from having to share me with Jack but I find I need to give her double hugs after I give Jack one. Apparently she doesn't like sharing her Mom either. It's ok, I wouldn't want to share her either. I love you Sadie Lady. You're such a fantastic human being and I'm so excited to see where your strong personality takes you.
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