The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Monday, May 30, 2011

Jack's Day!!

Thinking of ideas for Jack's birthday party was somewhat difficult for me seeing that even if I pulled one off, we wouldn't have anyone to invite. Jack is the only little boy his age in our ward so we didn't really have too many options. Seeing that he's still pretty oblivious to birthdays in general (especially his own) we decided to dodge the "crazy party planning Mom" bullet and have a relaxing day at home with just our family.
We wanted the day to be fun for Jack and because he loves playing in the water so much, we centered the entire day around just that...water.

First off, we headed over to our neighborhood pool. Jack LOVES the big water slide and says "gen, gen" (again) every time he hits the water at the bottom. We must have walked up those three flights of stairs at least 20 times that day!

Sadie of course came along too and they both had a lot of fun splashing around and swimming. It was Memorial Day that Saturday so the pool was REALLY crowded with people.
We didn't mind. It was kind of fun thinking that all the live music, smell of brisket smoking on the grill, and the the people were all there just for Jack to celebrate two years of his fantastic little life.
He really has been such a joy to raise these last 24 months. I couldn't ask for a sweeter little boy!!
Eventually everyone got pretty worn out so we headed home for some rest and relaxation. I love this picture of our nerdy little Sadie going down the slide all by herself (which could only be accomplished once we reassured her she could go down with her life jacket on.)
When Jack woke up from his nap we took him straight to another one of his favorite places, which again includes water. Our little pool on the back deck always provides hours of entertainment while Mom cooks dinner and gets other stuff done. He loves hanging out in that little pool filling up cups or dumping buckets of water on himself.
That evening our friends invited us over to their pool for a Memorial Day BBQ. We of course were thrilled because not only are they great friends and have an awesome pool, but that meant one more great thing for our little Jack...more water to play with. I guess without planning a party we still have to have a theme right? He made Chase take him down that slide over and over and over again and never got sick of it!
We all sang to Jack after dinner and he tried with all his might to blow out the candles. I love that every time we read Goodnight Moon and he sees the fireplace, he tries to blow out that flame as well. It seems we already have a Pyromaniac in the works (just like his mom:-).
He was pretty well spent by the end of the night so we decided to wait to open presents the next day, which happened to be his real birthday. Seeing as it fell on a Sunday, we felt we better do all the celebrating stuff the day before.
Jack loves to doodle on anything and will be heard saying "I colah dis" when he wants to play with some crayons and paper. He loved playing with his magna doodle so much that it made Big Sis Sadie SUPER jealous. Even after me throwing her a party and receiving gifts from all of her friends, she still felt she had the right to open and play with all of Jack's gifts too. Poor guy!!
Sadie went to bed early and Jack stayed up a little later with Mom and Dad so he could enjoy his new toys in peace. We got him a Mr. potato head because he's learning all the body parts, but he wasn't too interested. He's also really good with his colors, so I thought a stacking cone would be fun too. We love our little Jack so much. Happy Birthday buddy!!

1 comment:

j and k said...

Love the updates!!! Happy bday Jack! What a doll...Ben shares his love of waterslides. Crazy kids. I love the picture of him doodling on the magnadoodle. So adorable! And, I love Sadie's grad pics. Congrats!! I miss you guys and I'm SO excited for you pregnancy. XOXO