The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


We have a new obsession in our home....TRUCKS!! Jack calls them "gucks" and sometimes something else but I won't write it down for fear of offending virgin ears like my own. We were at the grocery store and he saw a package of five trucks hanging next to the laundry detergent isle. Even if you try to avoid the isles that will give your child a fast and easy tantrum (like the toy or candy/cookie isle), you can be rest assured that even if avoided at all costs, toys will somehow appear where you least expect them. They will entice kids to say "dis...dis...dis." as they point wildly in the direction of something you never expected to find next to Tide and ironing boards.
To keep him quiet I gave Jack the box just to look at and planned on handing it over to the cashier on the way out. The last thing we need at our house are more toy cars.
It turns out Jack likes to chew and slobber on things (Children's Hour beware!!) so when handing over a chewed up box of Matchbox trucks, I realized I had no other choice but to buy them. He's a smart kid, that Jack. We agreed that because his birthday was in a few weeks, he couldn't play with the trucks, only the chewed up outside box.
That scenario lasted about a week after the box started resembling something from the recycle bin, and Jack was finally allowed to open his trucks. Man oh man, did he enjoy those little pieces of metal. He has since learned their names, ..bump guck..(dump truck), red truck, and so on. It's fun buying stuff for Jack. He enjoys all aspects of toys, including the package they come in.

P.S. Don't we all love Jack's hair when it's humid outside? WINGS!!

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