The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Friday, April 27, 2012

Happy Birthday to me!!

The day was pretty fantastic.  I had breakfast in bed.  Jack went to preschool and George napped.  I ate lasagna for lunch and Chase came home early so I could go to the dentist to pick up my mouth guard (stress makes me clench my teeth) and get a tooth drilled.  When I got home we went to Tarka for some delish Indian Cuisine.  It's ok to gain 5 pounds on your birthday right?

George eyed the coconut curry.

Sadie decided to be a "special" puppy.

...and Jack copied Sadie.

When we got home Chase surprised me with a GIANT spice cake made by JoAnn.  I love spice cake and it's so hard to find in bakeries these days.  A friend of mine told me I am getting old because only the senile like spice cake.  George does NOT like his Bumbo chair.

Jack helped me open my presents.  I got some new muffin tins!! My old ones are rusting over and will probably give us some sort of poisonous disease if we bake in them again. Chase also surprised me with the much sought after Frye Melissa Button boots.  I've been wanting these ladies for about two years now and have never had the guts to buy them for myself.  Thanks for being brave Chase. 

He also surprised me with a babysitter!  My sweet visiting teacher Jessica came over and watched over our chiddlers while we went to see Hunger Games (SOOOOO GOOOD!)  It was a fantastic birthday and everyone made me feel very loved and special. 

A couple of days later the ladies celebrated with me at Chuy's.  I love the people here in Texas.  I have to admit I thought something was wrong with me when I lived in D.C. because no one ever wanted to hang out.  Maybe it was the extreme weather conditions that kept people indoors but life in Virginia was for the birds!!   It  probably was me.  Maybe I stink and don't know it but in Austin these girls like me anyway (despite my weirdness:-)  Everyone is always up for getting together and they'll throw a baby shower for a woman's 6th kid just because we love having an excuse to party.  Everything's "better" in Texas:-)

 I got myself some flan and enjoyed the best ambiance and conversation Texas has to offer.  Thanks for the fun dinner ladies!! 

1 comment:

Nesa said...

Happy Birthday Abby! Told ya-gotta watch out for us Texas girls. We do like any excuse to have a party.