The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Three's a charm

Well, it finally happened.  I got more than 3 hours of consecutive sleep!  George gave me the best birthday present ever and slept 6 hours.  It's amazing what sleep can do for the deprived.  I've decided that if I could just get 8 hours of sleep a night I could be super mom.  Imagine the possibilities if I had more energy.  Nothing could stop me!!

Three months has been good for George.  He has developed such a sweet and fun little personality.  He loves to talk to me and it often resembles a squawking bird with high pitched coos.  You can't tell from the pictures but he's a really smiley guy (but somewhat suspicious of cameras:-). 

He LOVES to be outside.  Sometimes after he eats we'll lay out a blanket on the front lawn and use the trees as natural mobiles.  He could look at the bright green leaves all day.

We took him in for a nurses visit and he weighed 13.9 pounds.  He's rapidly gaining weight and growing out of his clothes.  Some outfits require a 6 month tag at this point but most of the time he's wearing his 3 month onsies very comfortably.   

He's started to prefer some people over others.  Sadie claims she is his favorite and she's not far from the truth.  Next to his milk factory (me), Sadie could quite possibly be the next in line.  He loves her!  He has gotten in the habit of not sleeping as well if Chase rocks him to sleep.  He likes to know I'm around. 

Like I said above, George finally slept through the night, kind of.  I'll take 6 hours over 3 any day!  He's a silly sleeper during the day.  I can usually get 40 minutes before he wakes up from a nap and then I transfer him to his swing where he could sleep forever.  I often have to wake him to eat if he's snoozing in the swing.  He's also been a funny eater this month.  He'll only eat on one side and then he's full.  I can't get him to even try to eat on the opposite side.  I've been pumping after every feeding because the lopsided look isn't really my style.  After this exhausting week I finally stretched out his feedings to every 4 hours and he seems to have more of an appetite.  We need to keep those thighs as chubby as possible!

He has really discovered his hands this month.  He can take a binky out of his mouth and sucks on his two middle fingers like they were candy.  He also loves rattles and other toys we give him.  He's really an easy kid and doesn't require loads of attention.  He can roll around on a blanket for a while with a toy and be totally satisfied. 
He's changed quite a bit from last month.  He holds his head up better and is just so squishy!!  I love, love, love my little Georgie Porge!

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