The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Friday, April 6, 2012 update of sorts

My sweet Jack is growing up!! Not only does he want to do pretty much everything by himself, but he's developed quite and attitude as well. It's hard to take him seriously when he gets mad about something. His little voice and the words that come out of his mouth keep me entertained all day. If there was a film in the theatres with just Jack talking about the random things of the day, I'd make it a double feature!
He is totally into the holidays this year. He thought valentines day was spectacular because we ate chocolate and made valentines. He calls valentines "baltines" and one day as he was clutching paper heart in his arms he said, "Look a heart! I wub it, I got it for my birfday," and as he continued to hug it said "I just wub it Mom." That's another thing he does. He always ends his sentences with the name of who he's talking to. "I want my pifford (Clifford)..Mom. Do you see the boo bonnets Sadie? You're my best friend..Dad." It's adorable.
He LOVES my iPhone and I recently had to activate the pass code feature because he was getting WAY too good at playing Angry Birds. There's something scary about a 2 year old being better at a video game than his mom. "I want to pay wif your phoned..Mom." In the past Jack has been pretty cool when I say no, but lately he'll have such a fit that he usually ends up in the timeout chair.
He's recently decided to drop his nap but still really needs one every day, or at least every other day. Sometimes he gets so tuckered out he'll just fall asleep in the car or on walks to get Sadie from school. If we're home I can't just stick him in his crib anymore. He'll play and have too much fun and never sleeps. So if I really want him to take a nap, I get his red blanket, wrap him in my arms and sing him songs in the rocking chair. It's my favorite time of the day. I just love snuggling my little Jack. Sometimes I can't help but notice how long he's getting. His legs fall out WAY over the side of the chair and picking him up after he's fallen asleep is killer on my back. He gets mad when I say it's time to "snuggle" because he knows what that really means, but it usually only takes two songs to make him comatose. He loves cuddling with me and will sometimes give me kisses through his crib slats. I love seeing his big cheeks try to squish those lips through for a smoocheroo:-)
He loves to do anything his big sis does, whether it be play dough, coloring, or even painting nails. His love for pink has gotten a little out of hand. We aren't sure if he always wants the pink spoon, cup or bowl because that's what Sadie wants or if he really just loves it's blush color. The other day I took him to Nordstrom Rack and he LOVED all the easter dresses, sparkly shoes, and clearly avoided the blue crocks and neckties. Sadie tells him he can't have pink so he wants it even more. Sadie and he will always fight over the pink crayon, pink spoon, and even the pink vitamins. Jack will say he wants a "pink brontosaur" dinosaur vitamin every day. He'll repeat "pink is for gerels, not for boys" and then switch it up and say pink is for boys. Sometimes he loves to just make Sadie mad and sometimes I think he just needs to spend more time with Dad.
We aren't really worried about the whole "pink" thing because Jack is a tough little kid. He rarely cries when he falls down and is just full of exuberance. He could "shoot hoops" all day and when we go to the park he stands near the edge and watches the boys play basketball instead of running to the swings. Whenever they get the ball in the hoop he will yell, "they did it Mom!" Sometimes we'll take his trucks to the park which always attract other boys and he quickly makes a best friend. He and a boy named William sat together shoveling rocks into his dump truck then ran off to the soccer field to kick the ball around for a while. The other day he ran up to a little boy walking down the hall and just gave him a big hug. The lady I was talking to asked if they knew each other and I responded "no, but they do now." He's a buddy to all.
He could play with water all day if we let him and if Texas water wasn't so darn expensive. When he and Sadie ever race around or play hide and seek Sadie, who is usually faster, will exclaim "I win" and Jack will shout with equal amounts of enthusiasm, "I lose." Such an easy going little guy.
Lately it's been rather warm outside so we have tried our best to be outside as much as possible. Jack seems to be a dirt magnet so I strip him down to his diaper so I don't have to do so much laundry. He loves being "nakin" (naked) and will sometimes say "I want to be in my nakin Mom." and calls his belly button a "booty button."
Jack loves trucks. He and I will often go outside on Monday mornings and watch the "garja" truck come around our neighborhood. The other day we could hear a some sirens outside and I told him it was a fire truck. He corrected me and said "no,'s an ambulance." He loves to ride around on his little leap frog bus and stops at every fire hydrant. I have to stop too until he says the light is green.

I thought buying Jack some Cars big boy pants would motivate him to toilet train. I told him Mater didn't want to get all wet so he had to keep his pants dry and use the potty. This attempt to train him failed and because Jack didn't want to get Mater wet either, he wears his pants over his pajamas. Genius! What a great way to keep Mater dry! I have gotten him to go pee in the potty several times but he absolutely won't go number 2. I'm too lazy to attempt this right now so I think we'll wait until this summer when we don't have to be anywhere and he can just run around "in his nakin."

Jack has a very optimistic attitude. I love watching him in the rear view mirror while driving the car. He looks out the window and will say "It's a bootiful day mom. I see some boo bonnets Mom. Look, there's an excavator. I see Cranky the Crane Mom." He also has many vocal observations about people when they walk by or are close enough to hear. When the repair man comes over he'll say "that guy has a mustache Mom." When someone says hi in passing he'll say "that lady said hi to me Mom." If someone gets too close at Target he'll get an angry look on his face and say "I don't like that baby Mom." We haven't gotten to the "that lady is fat Mom" stage and we're grateful for that.

What a joy. He lights up my life every day. I'm so happy to have him as my ray of sunshine and my comic relief all in one. What a wonderful boy!!

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