The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

2 Months of Eliza

She's starting to gets some rolls on those little thighs!  It's amazing how much she has grown in these short 4 weeks.  She's already 11 pounds (42%) and 22 3/4 inches (64%) with a whopping 89% in head circumference at 39 1/2.  She's still taking in WAY more milk than her little stomach can handle, so we can pretty much count on some breast milk projectile vomit at least twice a week.  I felt bad for the nurse when she gave her the rotavirus vaccine.  It was an oral liquid and she puked it ALL over the office floor. She has a pretty sensitive gag reflex but I'm not too worried about it.  As long as I don't feed her without burping between sides or when she has the hiccups, then we're all good. It's when we lay her down too quickly after feeding or overwhelm her when my milk comes in that we  have a problem.  Otherwise, this little peanut is doing exceptionally well.  Doctor Woods is very impressed with her weight gain and says as long as she's gaining weight, there's no need to worry.  

I'm still pumping several times a day.  She can never eat a full feeding, so I pump the rest out.  I'm a total milk hoarder!!  It's liquid gold.  None shall be wasted!!  There are already at least 75 bags in my freezer!
Eliza has really started to enjoy her baths these days.  Her first bath was not a pleasant one, but now we make sure to get her in there when she's well rested and recently fed.
I tried to get a picture of her in Aunt Eliza's heart outfit before she grows out of it.  The little nugget was NOT happy about being photographed that day.  She also has two clogged tear ducts so every time she cries we've got lots of goop to clean up. I feel like I'm constantly cleaning out her eyes.  When she wakes up her eyes are sometimes glued shut.  This started around her newborn pics and is still going strong a month later.  I'm VERY excited for this stage to be over.  I've tried rubbing ointment in them and have also dropped in breast milk, but nothing seems to be working.  I guess it will just have to heal itself.  

Getting her to take a good nap has proven to be quite difficult as well.  I feel like she wants to be held ALL the time.  This would be great if I didn't have three other kids.  I figured out that if I wedge her inside the Boppy pillow, she feels like she's being held and sleeps longer.  There's this big tag on the pillowcase strongly advising not to use the pillow as a sleeping device.  Well, they shouldn't have made it so dang comfortable then!  Desperate times call for desperate measures!  How can I resist when she sleeps so well?  

For a while she hated being swaddled, but we found she sleeps WAY longer at night when she's wrapped up tight.  Her favorite time of day is when she gets to snuggle on Chase's chest.  It's my favorite time of the day too.  The other kids are in bed, and we just watch some television while Eliza snoozes and snuggles.  

Sometimes I can make it through an entire episode of Jimmy Fallon and sometimes even if the Utes are playing in the sweet 16, I totally pass out!!  Sorry Utes!!  Eliza and I are just too tired!!

We've been VERY tempted as of late to shave her head with Chase's trimmers.  She's lost almost all her hair on top and is starting to look at lot like her dad;-).  
Love this pic!!  Chase didn't know I was snapping away when he was picking his nose!
Looooove my partner in crime.  No matter how hard life gets or how ridiculously tired we feel, he's always at the sink doing dishes, making lunches for the kids, sending them off to school or taking Eliza when I need a break.  I won the lottery with this guy!!

My sweet friend Jen took this picture as she sat behind me our first Sunday back after Eliza was born. It had been two months without going to church and I think the bishop was starting to worry we might go inactive.  What better way to bring a family out of the newborn fog and into the light of the gospel than asking a father with 4 inconsecutive hours of sleep at night to speak in sacrament meeting.  I was planning on bringing Eliza to church after her 2 month vaccinations.  We were a few weeks shy, but I kept her away from the primary.  Besides, we couldn't miss hearing Chase speak.  He did a great job!!  He spoke about "experimenting upon the word."  Lately the church has been dealing with a lot of backlash over gay rights and women not having the priesthood.  Chase did a great job helping the congregation to focus on the fact that it's ok to question and wrestle with the lord in prayer.  He did mention that no matter what we do, "give the Lord equal time."  It's something Grandma Beth told Jim when he went to college.  It's great advise!!  What I love about the gospel is that we are always encouraged to find out for ourselves if something is true.  Gaining a personal testimony can only be done when we take our thoughts to the Lord and grow stronger through the answers we receive.  

Our little "vacation" from church was kind of relaxing but it feels nice to be taking the sacrament again.  As hard as it is to get all the kids ready, wrestle through the complaining, and be inside on a beautiful day, it always feels better to be at church.  Connie always taught Chase to "be where you're supposed to be, when you're supposed to be there." I know we're where the Lord wants us to be.

So sleep deprivation is HARD but totally worth it when I get to stare at this pretty face.  My goodness, I am so in love with this little creature!!  
Does this lady look sleep deprived to you?  
The struggle is real people!!

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