The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Life Goes On!

So even though we never sleep and it seems Eliza always does, we still need to press forward!  Life is still happening all around us and although in a zombie state at times, we still manage to have a little fun.  
While the kids are at school George, Eliza and I have been meeting friends at Lady Bird to walk around the lake.  Sometimes we have to stop to nurse but that's not a problem for us. George just throws rocks in the water and I enjoy the view.  Austin is seriously such an amazing city!!  

We've been having FHE outside lately. We have to take full advantage of the mosquito free weather before we're attacked in  June!

The kids are getting pretty good at making their own s'mores.

Every spring this happens to poor Jack.  It used to happen to Sadie but she seems to have outgrown seasonal allergies for now.  Poor guy had to stay home from school a few times because his eyes were so swollen from the pollen.  All the antihistamines are making him pretty sleepy too. 

But when he stays home, we all get to witness his AMAZING architectural masterpieces. Sometimes I look at what he builds and am astonished at the complexity of these structures.  I love how he combined train tracks, hot wheels and wooden blocks to make this one.  

We'v been getting quite a bit of rain lately so the creeks are full.  I love that our neighborhood has such a fun creek to play in.  The kids could spend all day there.  

Some days I feel like all I do is feed Eliza.  Poor George gets really bored so we have to do something exciting, even if it's taking a short trip to the car wash.  George used to be terrified, but now loves watching the big sponges and hoses clean the car.  I feel like if we get out at least once a day, George is a happy camper!

I have the same philosophy for myself too.  If I've been cooped up for a few days of nursing and changing diapers and I hear the girls are hanging out?  Well, even if I'm ridiculously tired, I try to go because it's totally therapeutic.  I usually stay out WAY too late and pay for it the next day but am always glad I spent some time with my buddies.  Women need women.  That's a fact!

And sometimes I'll come home from a Relief Society function and find this.  
Oh, how I love this man!!

Sure love this little man too.  Sometimes when we all need a little laugh, I'll hike George's pants up really high after changing his diaper. George doesn't even notice (or care) and that's what makes it so funny!

He's been having a great time with his buddies this year in this little play group.  They all play so well together.  After a few months of not hosting, I was finally able to have everyone over again.  Other than Miles getting stuck on the trampoline while I was nursing Eliza, having 5 kids under the age of three went surprisingly well!

George and I take a lot of little walks around the neighborhood.  He and this stroller are attached at the hip.  He loves strolling it everywhere.  Who knew when I bought it for Sadie 8 years ago, it would end up being George's favorite toy!  One walk we found a dead tarantula.  Our neighbor was brave enough to pick it up with a spoon and put it G's stroller.  He loved walking it around and showing it to everyone.  Chase was out of town, so we sent him this picture!

Evenings usually consist of shenanigans like this or shriekingly running away from Daddy the tickle monster.  

And this is what I do all day.  If I'm feeling REALLY productive, I'll go ahead and clip Eliza's fingernails while she's sleeping.  Sometimes it's the only thing we accomplish all day!

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