The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Easter Prep

In an attempt to be a "fun mom" this year, we got some dye and went to work on some white, un-organic eggs that we'll never end up eating.  I wish we were a hard boiled egg kind of family, but alas, we're not. The dyed eggs ended up sitting on that table behind jack for about a week before I smuggled them to the garbage can when the kids weren't looking.   

I made some cute "resurrection eggs" too at a craft night with friends.  I had high hopes that we would have a very spiritual FHE as we opened each plastic egg to reveal something special about Easter and Jesus' sacrifice.  The children ended up fighting over who got to open which egg, never listened to a word I was trying to read from the scriptures and ended up making me so angry I grabbed the egg carton and put it back in the closet!  We only made it to egg 6 out of the dozen.  Kids went to bed early after MAJOR tantrums and the adults watched a movie.  
Sad to say we haven't held FHE since this event.  Lately I just haven't had it in me.  I feel like the spirit is never in the room when we try to seek the attention of these crazy children of ours.  We're better off NOT calling it FHE and just sitting down for a game of Monopoly or seeing how long we can tickle Chase's armpits before he has a heart attack.  I'm guessing a conference talk will make us feel guilty in October and we will try again in 6 months.  However, my family never held regular FHE.  In fact, I can probably count on my hands how many times we had it in the 20 years I lived in that home.  And guess what?  We all went to the temple, all went on missions and were all married in the temple.  My parents just made sure we had fun together as a family and that's probably why we all ended up relatively normal.  No "mom guilt" around here!

The "mom guilt" is real though.  With a new baby, sometimes I feel so bad for the older kids.  I was determined to wake up early the Saturday before Easter and take them to the Circle C Easter egg hunt.  No one was very excited about going outside into the frigid cold but we went anyway because we were sure it would be an "event to remember."    

Well, the eggs weren't even hidden (just thrown all over the lawn) and were full of the crappiest junk you could possibly find at a dollar store.  Only a few eggs had candy in them and it was candy that might have come from Mexico because it was disgusting and we had never seen it before.  My face in the picture below pretty much sums up our freezing morning of gathering junk filled eggs.  Now we don't even have to wake up early for this hunt ever again. Closure......!

We came home, got cozy and watched some conference.  I had a hard time focusing.  How could I with this little face in front of the screen? 
Oh my heavens!!  I could eat her!!! 

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