The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Thursday, September 11, 2008

What a guy!!

Amongst all this chaos, I have failed to mention that Chase graduated from law school....tadaaah!!! Can you believe I forgot to blog about this!!!? What a HUGE accomplishment!!!! I am so proud of him and all that "mushy lovey" stuff you say about your husband. I guess it's kind of anti climatic seeing that we weren't in town for the ceremony and he still not officially done with school. He is finishing up his masters in tax at Georgetown this next year. When he graduates from this tax program, then we'll have all the pics of him in his cap and gown and all that jazz. Only then will he be officially done with school. And we will definitely be celebrating. But for the time being, after his last JD class we went to a restaurant we've always thought looked pretty cool called the Prado at Balboa Park. Chase got himself a celebratory coke and we enjoyed the ambiance of the lights strung all around. There was also a jazz band playing in the a block down the road so we were serenaded as well. Sadie was a champ and ate all our dinner as we nibbled on her grilled cheese. She's got some sophisticated taste buds that kid. I can't get her to eat a PB and J, grilled cheese or anything like mac n' cheese. She'd rather have our fettuccine pasta with artichokes, chicken and green onions. She cracks me up. When she doesn't want to eat something we offer her instead of putting her hands over her mouth she covers her ears and screams "no no no Mommy." While she's screaming we can usually get a few good bites in her mouth. Anyway, I'm going off the subject. Congrats Chase. You're quite a guy!!


Darger Party of 3 said...

Way to go CHASE!!! Soon you will get to have all those dorky letters after you name too. J.D.L.L.M. So cool!!

A Resh Perspective said...


j and k said...

Yeah Chase!!!!!!!! That's no easy task! Congrats! We're so proud!