The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Leaving on a jet plane

Chase took off about a week before us to drive our car across the country to our new home in D.C. Before he left we tried to squeeze in as much fun as possible. Here's what we did before Sadie and I headed on the plane (lucky us...can you imagine riding across the country with a two year old?) We let Sadie have her "bi bi"(pacifier) only on flights to avoid any unpleasant tantrums. Aren't we nice?
Pretty much our lives consist of carousels and more carousels. Every time she sees one, we have to ride. Lucky for us, she only demands one ride and doesn't want to make mom sick by going again and again. Here we are at the rides near the Alpine Slide in Park City.
I guess our parents always paid for us to ride the alpine slide. We had no idea how expensive it is...BE's like $10 a person, including Sadie!!
They were so funny about Sadie having her own seat on the lift. She wasn't allowed to sit on our laps but was allowed to sit in between us with a 12 inch gap between the bar and the seat. She totally could have fallen through. We put her on our lap as soon as the guy yelling at us was out of view.
Check out that enthusiasm. I will never understand Sadie's expressionless face whenever she should be looking...well... like me!!
More Carousels at the Hogle Zoo. This is truly one of my favorite zoos. You see the animals up so close and this is coming from someone who had a membership to the San Diego zoo.
Go Leopards!!!


Keeping up with the Joneses said...

I hate the whole let her ride next to you thing! There are some rides a D-Land that do that! I'm always like "Are you kidding me? Have you seen how small she is??" So crazy! They are much safer in mom's arms :) I loved reading all your posts. I was laughing at the whole I'm from San Diego and my daughter is pasty thing! That is just like Ella! When we went home to Utah some of my friends kids were more sunkissed. Fun posts Ab, Miss ya.

Zanny said...

Abby! It's Suzanne Cederlof here! Well, my last name is Simon now and I found your blog through Jill's. You have such a darling little family! I loved reading your post about the reunion and I felt so bad I didn't get a chance to talk to you that night - soooo many people there! Anyway, it's fun to catch up with you through blogging. You can visit my blog too, if you want. It's