The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Heber and Jenna

Heber and Jenna were sealed in the Salt Lake City Temple about a week after we arrived in Utah. It was a wonderful ceremony performed by Richard Hinckley (he married us as well:-) It was so great to see both Heber and Jenna looking so twitterpated. Jenna couldn't stop smiling. I don't think I saw anything but a smile on her face the entire day. Good thing because she is so stinking beautiful it would be a shame to waste those pearly whites. What a handsome couple!!
The Ladies
The Gents
I love this picture of Jack. He looks so serious and handsome at the same time.
Sadie is obsessed with twirling these days. In fact, dresses are about all she'll wear and they have to twirl. She often times tries on five or six dresses through out the day as she twirls to Jack's music on his swing.
She has been so excited to wear this particular flower girl dress. We got it in the mail about a month ago and in order to preserve it for the wedding I had to put it in my closet so she couldn't sneak it on in the middle of the night. She couldn't stop twirling!!

They had a candy bar at the wedding and if you can't tell by her face and stuffed cheeks...she was pretty thrilled.

The reception was so much fun. Jenna's family did such a great job decorating the site and as you can tell it was very colorful. Jenna loves yellow, orange and pink so those were her colors. Everything was very bright and cheery. The Groomsmen pulled a "Heber" and wore bright yellow shirts and orange ties. No one can pull colors off like that unless their name is Heber Collins Duncan Cannon. And make no mistake, there was dancing, "Heber and Jenna" style. A total dance off with all of their friends and family. The highlight of the night was when 8 year old Nathan jumped on the floor and started break dancing. It was classic!! Such a fun wedding!!


Gardner's said...

What a great video...I love that Sadie is smiling so sweetly while she is smacking little Jack on the back! Big sisters can be hard Jack hang in there! Yo and Tommy can start a support group if you need it!

Keeping up with the Joneses said...

Sadie looks so big in her adorable yellow flower girl dress. So cute with her hair braided like that. Your lil buddie is too sweet. Watching those videos is not helping my baby hunger one bit. I love Sadie and her best little friend, too cute. Not like Ella who was smaller than her but packed a mean scream everytime those two would play :) FYI she's over the screaming phase, too bad we cant let these two play together now. :(

alexandra said...

i love her wedding dress! sadie looks adorable in these, too.