The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Friday, November 13, 2009

Trunk or Treat

I can't believe how much candy kids get these days. I remember back when I was a youngster we would go for hours into the night to accumulate a pillow case worth and even that wasn't enough time. With "trunk or treat" every year, a kid can pretty much expect to fill their buckets before it even gets dark!! Lets not forget to mention that the distance between two houses is far greater than the space between two cars in a parking lot. The folks at the Oak Marr ward were generous enough to give the kids not one but several pieces of candy at each trunk. I would have killed for this as a kid. We didn't have time to go to our own ward's Trunk or Treat because of our traditional Leesburge adventure that evening. So we instead went to Oak Marr's and Sadie was in heaven with all her old friends. We were definitely "stow aways" but I have a feeling no one recognized us:-)
Napoleon Dynamite? No, it's just Chase looking very handsome indeed.
Jack was a little fish. Our outfits don't really go together but I was just proud of us for dressing up. We weren't planning on it until Sades asked us what we were going to be. I guess we need to start expecting full participation from this point on.
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The three fairies. I think every little girl is a fairy at one point in their life. In this case, all three of them were. Posted by Picasa


Darger Party of 3 said...

You really should have gone a different direction in medical school....dentistry or orthodontia would have been better. GREAT COSTUMES!!

Ie Li said...

I love that last picture so much. What good pals.