The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Real Cookies!!

On a rainy day, there's nothing better to do. I made these cookies w/0 shortening and replaced them with Smart Balance butter and they were actually pretty good. Tasted more like a muffin than a cookie, but pretty delicious indeed. Chase has started to complain. He's says if I make cookies they shouldn't be healthy...they should be tasty. I usually substitute wheat flour for white and put in smaller amounts of sugar. He requested a yummy cookie and that's what he got, I just can't use shortening anymore. The idea disgusts me:-) Sadie is wearing an apron I helped make while dancing at Virginia Tanner. It's so fun have have her wear things I wore too and make cookies with her just like I made cookies with my mom.

1 comment:

Darger Party of 3 said...

BUTTER!! You must use butter!! You are so great though to make healthy options. Baking is out rainy day activity too. Miss you guys.