The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Friday, July 23, 2010

Chase Cannon, Esq. JD LLM

Chase was finally sworn in last week in Annapolis at the Court of Appeals. Originally he was supposed to wait until September 1st but we talked them into a private ceremony with one other guy from Texas. It was short and sweet and I couldn't get over how many years of studying, sacrificing and student loans that went into that short sweet little moment.
At first we planned to leave the kids home with a babysitter but after calling the court they said they were more than welcome to come, so we brought them. What a family affair! Jack walked all over the court room and Sadie stood in the center of the room twirling in her white sparkly dress. Amongst it all I tried to get pictures of Chase while the judge tried to talk over the chaos. She was very sweet and after he was sworn in we all just sat around and talked for a while.
Other than the fact that it was sweltering hot outside, we tried to enjoy our surroundings. I always feel bad for the men in their suits during the hot summers but then I remember women's fashion in the winter with their high heels and nylons trudging through the snow to church and then I don't feel so bad anymore.
Congratulations to Chase and all of us for getting through school, bar, job searches and sleep deprivations. It's been a fantastic ride!!

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