The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Sunday, July 4, 2010

A day in D.C.

I just finished reading the Lost Symbol by Dan Brown. I was so pumped about everything I learned about our nation's capitol that I chose the coolest day a D.C. summer offers to head down to the National Mall. Because the book takes place in D.C., I walked all over the place looking for the symbols he wrote about in the book. Man, did he do his research. Sometimes I think Brown's books are just a way to brag about how smart he is.
It was a great day!! Sadie just gathered flowers and danced around the "meadow" as she called it. Jack just pointed his finger at anything and everything. I love that little finger.
I realized that after three years of living in D.C. I have never actually walked to the Washington Monument (only around it). We sat down on a bench and looked up realizing we couldn't even see the golden pyramid capstone at the top. It was too high. Sadie ran up to see if she could scale the walls like Mr. Bridwell's Clifford. She couldn't (we needed the Big Red Dog to get us up there). She looked so small against that massive formation. It made me happy. I like it when Sadie looks small. She's getting too big:-(

After playing in the fountains at the WWII Monument (against the rules so we just dipped our fingers), feeding the geese near the pond (watch out for green bird feces) and the Museum of National Art, Jack fell asleep while Sadie rode the the Carousel. Doesn't he look comfortable? Today for the first time in a long time I loved Virginia. Now if only we could do something about these bugs and the blasted humidity, I would love it even more!!

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