The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Saturday, December 24, 2011


Our little community in Austin has such a fun holiday party every year. This year we feared it would be cancelled due to rain (glorious rain...we'll never complain again about any kind of moisture around here:-). Thankfully the party went on as planned but indoors instead of outside.
They still had a petting zoo, pony rides and lots of stations to make crafts, get your faces painted and pictures taken. Sadie was more excited to ride the pony than to see Santa but that was to be expected. Jack took some huge strides from last year of screaming his little eyes out on Santa's lap to only having a very concerned look on his face this year. Such a brave little man. We could clearly see that Santa's lap was the THE LAST place he wanted to be sitting at the moment but Sadie made it more exciting for him so he pressed on and endured,
It was a fun little party and we saw a lot of friends from school. Sadie got Rudolph painted on her face and then went out to hold some bunnies, pigs, and goats. Of course the pony ride was the highlight. My favorite memory of the whole day was hearing Jack in his sweet little voice say "hello Piggy...hello" as he greeted his fellow snorter. Jack's tendency to snort while he laughs will always be so endearing to me.
WE saw Santa getting into his car in the parking lot as we too were making our way home. Sadie was so confused as to why Santa wasn't riding around on his sleigh everywhere he went. He also was one of those "skinny" Santas that had to stuff a pillow inside his costume. It won't be long until Sadie starts to figure this whole Santa thing out. She's already made some serious inquiries as to how he gets into our house and how he can possibly fit down a chimney.
We had Henry the Elf come to our home December 1st to "watch us and report back to Santa." Chase placed the three inch elf on the doorstep and raced away after ringing the doorbell. Sadie and Jack were thrilled to have a visitor but Sadie was absolutely perplexed!! She couldn't figure out how an elf so small could ring a doorbell so far off the ground. Chase made the mistake of telling her he used pixie dust to jump to the doorbell. I later found her asking Henry to tell Santa that she too wanted pixie dust for Christmas:-)
I love how magical Christmas is and even though we are essentially lying to our children about where the presents come from, it's so fun to see their faces light up when Henry tells them (he can speak recorded messages) they are on the nice list for the day!! He even showed up a couple of times bearing gifts throughout December. One day he brought Frosty the Snowman and the next time The Grinch who Stole Christmas.
Hopefully we have a few more years before Sadie sees Dad racing through the garage after leaving Henry on the doorstep. Jack is still just along for the ride at this point:-)

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