The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Monday, October 29, 2012

Growing TOO Fast!!


Our little lady is growing like a weed.  Still the smallest one in her class (which I love:-), but quickly growing out of her pants and all her size 4 clothing...finally.  Perhaps we can now start buying size 6 for her at the end of her sixth year. 

One thing Sadie has been very excited about is starting piano lessons.  I asked her if she wanted to take soccer or ballet and she said all she wanted to do was play the piano.  This was great news for me and my wallet too.  We found a fantastic teacher who graduated from UT Austin with a degree in music and after hearing him play I'm convinced he's a musical prodigy.  I'm determined to have her sight reading better than I did with the Suzuki method so we are tackling the Hal Leonard method instead.  I am loving his teaching style and not only is he very respected by Sadie but he's also really fun for her too. 

She has completely taken off!!  It didn't take long for her to get the fingering down, half notes, quarter notes, legatos and staccatos, and tackling the metronome (that was a tough one).  She has already become such an amazing sight reader and even though we've had some VERY frustrating practicing moments she has learned to be patient with herself and me when I give her correction.  It's a hard balance because she wants me to sit in there with her but she doesn't want me to say anything.  She'll often "shush" me at times and I even got the "Spaniard finger" once.  I've noticed that if we practice earlier in the day and if she receives more praise than constructive criticism, we can have a pretty successful 30 minutes of practicing.  I love how sweet she looks playing the piano.  I am so proud of how well she is doing. 

She seems to have a pretty intense crush on her buddy Peterson.  I asked her why she likes him so much the other day and she responded "Because he's so handsome and he's my best friend."  I told her that's why I married her dad so she's off on the right track:-)

Sadie is so good at making friends and has such amazing confidence around others, but not so much that she would ever seem condescending or bossy.  She's just a lot of fun to be around and is always surrounded by lots of buddies.  Her friend Avery down the street knocks on our door just about every day to play and she's meeting so many fun friends at church as well. 

Her latest and most exciting accomplishment so far is taking the training wheels off her bike.  Chase and I took turns running around with her and it took only about 5 minutes to figure it all out.  I eventually just started running beside her in case she toppled over and she never did!  Seeing her pure and joyful excitement as the wind blew through her hair made me turn away so she wouldn't discover that her old mom was crying.  She rode off and left me there to watch her turn her bike around the cul de sac as I strained to keep the tears from pouring down my face.  My baby grew up WAY TOO FAST.  It hurts my heart and even though I am so proud of how wonderfully accomplished she is, I wish I could just swaddle her in a blanket and watch her fall asleep in my arms again.  Sigh.....

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