The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sadie's first piano recital

We were beyond excited to watch Sadie perform in her very first piano recital.  You wouldn't have known it was her first by her outstanding confidence and zero fear of getting up there in front of everyone.  Because it was around Halloween the kids were encouraged to dress in their costumes and there would be a prize for the best costume.  Because I labored excessively over her costume, I was secretly hoping she would win:-)

The only wrinkle in the plan was Jack getting the stomach flu the night before after the Trunk or Treat.  He had eaten his entire bag of candy and puked it all up before going to bed.  He continued throwing up well into Saturday morning and we feared the recital would just have to be missed.  But after finding a babysitter (four phone calls later) we were able to attend while Amanda Severson sat at our house as Jack slept in his bed.  Hooray!!

I was able to accompany Sadie and she played beautifully.  She ended up playing 4 spooky Halloween songs and guess what....she won best costume!!  She whispered to me that it was actually me who won the contest because I was the one who made her costume.  But she won for looking so dang cute in it!!

Daddy brought her some flowers and ran out after her performance to attend to Jack if needed (he ended up sleeping the whole time we were gone...phew!)
After her concert we stopped by a field to see some horses.  Chase and I were dying over this picture because she looks like a bat who ran into a fence. 

I then took my little bat to Costco for some last minute Sunday meal preparation.  She was admired by all but especially by me! 

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