The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Monday, October 15, 2012


For as long as I can remember all my Dad has ever wanted for his birthday, Christmas, Father's Day etc. is a hike with all his daughters again.  We used to go hiking with him all the time when we were all living at home.  I have so many fond memories of bushwhacking up Hogan Fork (that's a whole other blog post:-), backpacking through Zions national park, or just skipping down the trail after spending the day on top of Milcreek Canyon.  Well this year Dad's wish finally came true.  We were all together in St. George and some of the most beautiful hikes were only about an hour away in Zions.  We somehow managed to leave all the children home with their dads (thanks guys!!!) and headed down to "the promised land" with our Dad.  Mom, Brooke and Parker came along too which was also special treat. 

We had a glorious time!!  Just the car ride down and back with Em, Lizzie and Brooke was enough to fill my laughter canteen for the month.  Once we got there, we decided the shortest hike that would get us home in time to help put the kids to sleep was Angel's Landing.  It also happens to be the most treacherous and life threatening (sorry Mom:-).  I had hiked Angel's Landing two times previously.  Once with the young women in our ward and again with my girlfriends over spring break. I must have had nerves of steel back then because the steep cliffs and 1000 feet drop offs made me very anxious this time around. 

Lizzie reminded me that when we came  with the young women she actually waited at the bottom because the wind was too strong that day and she felt safer there rather than clinging onto a chain with ant sized cars driving in the view below her.  But this time around she decided to conquer the mountain and after a few tears (she really cried a little:-) we got to the top.  This picture of her with the drop off below gives me the heeby jeebies.  I can't believe the young women advisers brought us down here!!  Weren't they worried one of us would fall off a cliff?  I'm in young women's now and there is NO WAY I would make myself liable by taking them up that cliff.  We even saw some families hiking with their 7 or 8 year old children.  Holy canolli!!  I don't think I'll bring my kiddos on this hike ever!!  I would be a nervous wreck. 

But once you get to the top, it really is heaven on earth. I guess that's why they call it "Angel's Landing." When you're up there you can't help but have gratitude in your heart for the superb world the lord has provided us to live on. It truly is glorious!!

The real superwoman on the hike was Brooke for sure.  She not only hiked the whole thing pregnant but was the first one to reach the top!!  I think I've turned into a wimp in my old age of 32. The cautious level at which I proceeded up that mountain far exceeded that when I was 14.  I don't know if it's because I'm more vulnerable now as a mother of 3 kids, or if I'm just a sissy, but these crazy things I used to do like cliff jumping, sky diving (never did it but wanted to), or even sticking my head out the window don't even appeal to me anymore.  I do still enjoy my rides on the scooter and finding those roller blades was a serious blast from the past.  I'll hold onto those for a while longer to keep me feeling young.

I know it was Dad's wish to get us all on the mountain together that day but I think we all ended up soaking up the reunion just as much if not more.  I just love being with my family and if it takes a plane ride, a five hour drive, and some grumpy husbands at the end of the day; spending even an hour with all my sisters and our troop leader would have made it all worth it! 

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