The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Usually I sift through the camera at the end of the week and delete most of the pictures that look like this because they are either blurry or not worth the computer storage space. However, when I came across this one I couldn't delete it knowing that Sadie was probably just sitting there patiently while I fed Jack or while I took a shower and had the camera to keep her entertained. She really is a great kid. I am amazed at how proficient she is with a camera. She's also quite good with the computer and loves to play her spelling games. I love watching her little finger sweep over the mouse pad as she moves her letters over to he right spot.

Of course I think she's a genius because I am her Mother and because she can recognize all her letters, has learned to spell and knows her numbers up to 20. The other day she arranged a book set of four into a rectangle. She yelled over to me to look and I said "wow Sades, you made a rectangle out of your books" and she responded, "ya, it's a booktangle." I love watching her grow. At dinner we tell her that if she eats her 5 spinach leaves she will grow bigger. This is Sadie's ultimate goal for when she's bigger only then can she hold her baby brother. The other night we were listening to some music and a James Taylor song came on and she shouted out, it's the guy who sings CARS. She could recognize the voice of James singing "Isn't she lovely" from the "Our Town" song he sang in the Cars movie. Chase and I were both taken off guard and realized that she matched the voices perfectly.

She received a plastic egg in primary. When we got home I asked her what had been inside and she said "nothing. It's like the empty tomb of Jesus." I guess I was one of those bad primary teachers who has little faith in the kids actually absorbing what I would teach, but I guess if a sunbeam can do it why can't the rest of them? The strangest thing she's been doing lately is screaming out for Grandpa whenever she's in time-out. Usually when I put her in her room I'm punished with a "time-out" of my own. She says she doesn't like me and of course wants the better half being her dad. Now we've both been shafted and Grandpa is her knight in shining armor.

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