The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

She's rich!!

Sadie earned her first dollar last week. We have a responsibility chart and when she cleans her room every day for a week, she gets a dollar. Sadie was so excited she wanted to buy something right away (just like the rest of this great nation:-). We tried explaining to her about saving but she was just too excited. So we jumped in the stroller and headed over to the local toy store. The only thing she could buy with her dollar was a ridiculous ruby red ring that was so big it didn't even fit me. Sadie LOVES it and keeps it in her "empty tomb." That easter egg is probably her favorite toy right now. She has since earned two more dollars and we've finally convinced her to save them so she can buy something even bigger and better next time. Maybe when she earns ten we can explain tithing. She's pretty bright so I think she'd be pretty excited to give Heavenly Father one of her dollars.
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