The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The biggest tree EVER!

Everyone in Texas decorates their yards. To get in the spirit we've been driving around to look at the exceptional neighborhoods where the people decorate to the extreme. We heard from one of our neighbors that you can eat pizza at CPK and sit by the large Christmas tree at the same time. We decided to check it out. Sadie was so excited to see the enormous tree. In her words "it's HUGE! It's like twenty nine sixty one sixty one and forty five sixty." She's become quite creative with her numbers. It was a warm night(about sixty) so we ate outside while enjoying the festive scenery.

Sadie decided that everyone needed to see her in her fairy skirt and wings. She was especially keen on running into Santa with such an impressive ensemble. Jack decided that the ornaments were "gahs" (balls) and was more interested in playing in the fountain.

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