The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Merry Christmas y'all!

We decided to not travel this year for the holidays. Last year ended up being such a miserable traveling experience that frankly, we were too scared to try it again. We did live in Virginia where all planes were grounded from the snow, but even if it would have been easier too get on an airplane this year, we had a hard time leaving this 70 degree weather for Utah's sub zero temperatures. There's also the issue of transporting gifts and getting them home in your suitcase. It was so nice to wrap everything here and put it under our own tree! We did miss being around family this year but nothing tops hanging out in your pajamas all day long with out the worry that the guy coughing next too you on the plane will inevitably get your entire family sick.
I'm a nostalgic person so I tried the best I could to make our Texas Christmas as magical as our Utah ones. Somehow I thought I could fill the void of family by making all the same recipes, decorating the house, reading the same Christmas books, and playing Santa. I was doing pretty well until our tree toppled over the 23rd and I was convinced it was going to ruin the whole event. I should probably explain why our tree toppled over. Well, you see, we were watching a friends little kitten while they traveled for the holidays. I couldn't say no to her face (she came over to my house and asked me in person:-) and even though Chase was vehemently opposed, I thought it might be fun to have a kitten around for Christmas. I was wrong. I have always wanted a cat. We said we'd get one as soon as we owned our own home. I have since changed my mind. After dry heaving while trying to scoop the kitty litter, hearing Clover (otherwise known as "Clovert" by Sadie who just couldn't say it with out throwing in a "T" at the end) whine throughout the ENTIRE day, getting the cat off our furniture, and the musty "cat smell" looming through out the house, I was convinced that once we are finally in our own home, we will have no animals of any kind. So in reference to our toppling tree; it was the result of Clovert climbing up the trunk. The stand snapped so we couldn't get the tree to hold itself up anymore. I guess all the pressure of making a perfect Christmas caught up with me and I burst into tears. Chase raced to Walmart to get another stand and after some serious doctoring, and redecorating of the tree, Christmas was back on again.
We had Sammy and Melissa Markam over for Christmas Eve dinner and it was my first time making a ham. It turned out pretty delicious and Melissa brought Grandma Phillis' delicious orange rolls. LOVE THEM! We hung out until the it was time to spread the reindeer food on the lawn and get the kiddos in bed. We put Jack to sleep and read a couple of books about Jesus' birth with Sadie. She was tired enough that getting to bed wasn't too hard. I was worried the excitement would take over and she wouldn't be able to shut her eyes. She was out in about five minutes.
We were informed the next morning that Santa came!! Santa even hid some My Little Ponies in some of the ornaments around the tree and it bought Mom and Dad about 30 more minutes of sleep. Sadie was very patient while waiting for Jack to wake up. He usually sleeps until 10 but we decided that was just too long to wait. We made a delicious breakfast (we tried to replicate Uncle Nick's complete Christmas morning menu) and Sadie ate pancakes, of course. She put her last cotton ball on Santa's beard, played with her new ponies a little longer and then it was FINALLY time to wake Jack up around 9. She had to exercise some SERIOUS patience. I remember waiting in AGONY for Emily to wake up at the Etherington household. She was always the hardest one to wake up. Mom and Dad always used her as an excuse. They said that as soon as Em was up they would get up too knowing it would take us forever to get her skinny buns out of bed.
Sadie was so excited to get her Sweetie Bell pony that I couldn't get her to stand still for a photo. The picture speaks for itself. Jack got a basketball hoop and played with his "gahs" the entire morning. Sadie didn't mind opening his gifts as he wasn't too interested in being distracted from his future NBA training.

Chase got his beloved Utes authentic football helmet which I found him wearing periodically through out the day and I got an Iphone. I haven't purchased it yet because I want to wait for Verizon to set me up in February. I'm so excited! I just hope I don't lose it because I lose my little flip phone EVERY DAY. My favorite website around here is You put in your number and it calls you. Considering we haven't yet set up a land line, I use this site every day...literally. My parents sent me an afghan I've been eyeing at Anthropology for about a year now. Thanks Mom and Dad. What a treasure! Cute Connie sent me a beautiful porcelain soup bowl with a ladle. It makes me want to make Erin's Yam Curry Soup just so I can use it.
We probably should have tipped the recycle man on Monday for all the destruction we left on the curb. I tried to go green this year by using boxes instead of paper, but we still had a mountain of stuff to recycle the next day.
While Jack took his afternoon nap we continued to hang out in our pajamas and play with all the new toys. We played Christmas bingo, assembled puzzles, dressed the polly pockets and read lots of new books that Mimi and CC sent.

By the end of the day we still hadn't brushed our hair (Chase was the exception) or taken off our robes. We did feel like we should leave the house at least once that day so we loaded the kids in the car, pajamas and slippers in tact, and drove around searching for the best inflatable penguins we could find. Once the kids were in bed that night Chase and I snuggled up and watched Miracle on 34th Street. It was cozy, thrilling, remarkable, memorable and relaxing all at the same time. The only thing missing was the chaos of extended family, but it was fun creating a little chaos, or not, of our own. Merry Christmas!!

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