The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

We're READY!

-Hang up the Christmas lights, hang the stockings, and decorate the tree....CHECK!
-Get the shopping done...Check!
In Virginia our tree looked really cute in our little townhouse.
Texas ceilings are rather high and our little 7 foot tree looks pretty puny. Can you tell that I prefer small and quaint to large and spacious? I still remember when we first got the tree we had about ten ornaments. Now after five years, we can almost fill up this tree. I can't bring myself to just go out and buy ornaments if they have no sentimental value. This year I found a nutcracker with cowboy boots for Chase, and a porcelain Santa riding a pony for Sadie. When we first got married I gave Chase a little suitcase with a note inside reading "I'll go where you want me to go...dear Chase!" I truly have moved all over the country with this kid! I love looking at the ornaments and remembering why we bought them.
For most of my Christmas shopping this year I was at the mercy of the Internet. I'm still learning my way around here and the weather is so great I don't want to spend anytime in doors. The mall was a place to get warm in Virginia, and now it's something I try to avoid, especially on a beautiful day! I only ended up at the mall one time this season and it was enough to keep me away for another 6 months.

-Survive the ward Christmas party for the fifth year in a row. Check!
I don't know how it happens but I end up on the ward activities committee in every ward I move into. I've served on the committee my entire marriage. Thank goodness the Ward Activities Committee is no more!

-Make a cute Gingerbread house with Sadie Lady...Check!
We tried to make it look like the picture on the box it came in, but gave up about half way through when we realized they didn't give us the same amount of candy...LAME! We came up with our own accessories.
-Get out all the Christmas books...check!
Mimi sent us some Christmas books to open BEFORE the 25th so we could enjoy them through out the season. Rudolph is definitely Sadie's favorite, mine; Why Christmas Trees Aren't Perfect.

-Nurse Sadie and Jack back to health...CHECK!
Sadie and Jack both got pretty sick about a week before Christmas. Jack especially took it hard. He was super lethargic, had a ridiculous cough, and a runny nose to drive me completely bonkers. Thank goodness they both recovered before the festivities began.
-Wrap all the presents while Dad's at work and Sadie's at preschool...CHECK!
I made the mistake of wrapping the stocking stuffers in the same paper as everything else. One would think this is something Sadie might overlook, but they would be wrong. I came up with the great idea to leave the paper, tape and empty boxes on a chair by Santa's cookies so he could use our paper and other supplies "if he needed them." I thought that was pretty genius, but then again, you have to be quick on your toes when you're Sadie's mom.
-See Santa, sit on his lap, tell him what you want, and BE BRAVE...CHECK!
Even Sadie was a little worried to sit on Santa's lap this year. He was wearing cowboy boots for heaven's sake! We bribed her once again to sit on a strangers lap, all for a picture. Jack couldn't be bribed, or fooled for that matter. This stranger was NOT to be trusted.

1 comment:

lbb said...

merry christmas (or, happy new year!).
sounds like you're the perfect christmas-getting-ready-er!
i totally agree on small and quaint, online shopping, and YOU on activity committee! (how could they NOT tell you're a bundle of fun?!)