The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Saturday, December 4, 2010

I Got Bangs!!

I have a love/hate relationship with bangs. I love how they add a little flare to a pretty boring mom haircut, but I hate that they only look good RIGHT after they're blown dry. Priscilla (my new hairdresser, great name, I know) gave me bangs with out my consent. I love and hate her for doing this because I think bangs are fun but I hate her when I am outside, in the wind, and they are sticking straight up in the air. I also hate her when I don't have time to shower (most days) and I end up walking around with greasy bangs all day long. Those usually end up being "hat days" because the static clinging bangs are another reason to throw my arms up in frustration towards heaven. I am the kind of woman who can't tell a hairdresser what she REALLY thinks. I tell her I love it after she chops off the front half of my hair when I'm actually having a panic attack inside. Why do we have to be so polite? Aren't we paying them to make us look like movie starts (I was going to Katie Holmes..far fetched, I know). So when you see me walking around with a hat on it's because I hate my hair and my life at the moment, and if you see me with bangs it's because I've embraced them for the day, or for the 30 minutes that they don't drive me crazy!


Darger Party of 3 said...

I love the bangs...BUT I get it!! You look always.

Jenny said...

I LOVE the bangs! Seriously, they look really great on you!!

Erin said...

I caught a glimpse of you on facebook and thought, "are those bangs? I love them!" That's the truth girl. I really, really like them on you. You look fabulous as always!!

lbb said...

of course, you would look great with a shaved head, even,....
no fair.
merry christmas!