The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I think it's kind of funny to be so excited for spring because it has felt like spring all year. Spring here means upper 80's and an occasional cooler day in the 70's. I am excited to see the fields of blue bonnets (pics to come as soon as I find the fields I've heard so much about) and see our yellow grass turn green again. There are blossoms everywhere and we're loving it. We thought by moving from Virginia Sadie's allergies would improve but we've found that her eyes still get a little red and puffy at times. I have my own theory for why she gets pollen related allergies and the rest of us don't. We were all born in places with high pollen counts and our bodies therefore adjusted to the exposure. Sadie was born in San Diego (paradise) where there is little to adjust to. Poor Sadie was introduced into a perfect environment and is now suffering for it.

We've been reading the new testament stories with her and after seeing how the people were healed by Jesus, we decided that Dad should give her a blessing. He gave her one right before she went to bed and truly and honestly her eyes have totally improved!! We no longer have her drugged with Zyrtec and she doesn't need prescription eye drops anymore. We just use plain old Visine and it works great! Sadie had faith and witnessed her first miracle.

1 comment:

j and k said...

What a little sweetheart. She has her mom's faith! I am so jelous of your weather. Oregon has had the coldest, wettest March in history and I'm feeling it! I'm ticked. Why oh why can't I just visit my trash? Your kids are darling. I adore them. You look beautiful in your anniversary pics!