The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Way to go NFP

I was informed a couple of days ago that Chase's co-workers wanted to throw him a shower at work. I was delighted but feared I might not be able to go, if I was in labor. Well, fate had it's way and the baby decided to stay inside a couple more days. It was so nice of them to celebrate the little man with us. We received TONS of diapers, wipes and gift cards. So generous!! Did I mention before how much we love the people Chase works with? NFP is an amazing company and we are thrilled he has a job there. Now, lets get this baby out so he can poop in all those diapers!!

P.S. I was thew dumb prego lady who walked in and asked if the cupcake display was of a guitar (assuming so because of Austin's musical history). Felt a little dumb when they told me it was actually a blue baby rattle made out of cupcakes. Yikes...this placenta brain is getting out of hand. The other day at the eye doctor I couldn't find Chase and asked the receptionist if he was being "examed." Examed? Really? I didn't correct myself in hopes that she was as dumb as I sounded and didn't notice:-) Grammar has gone out the window. I asked another friend the other day if she "knowed" someone. Thank goodness for spell check and autocorrect. I would be in serious trouble!

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